Update 5/16/2023: Please review the Community Discussion Draft and submit comments at: https://www.planuniversity.org/ Especially useful will be specific suggestions not already represented on the spreadsheet.
In case you missed it, please view the live stream video of the Tuesday, May 16, 2023 CPUS meeting for more information.
This will be an in-person meeting at UCHS with a Facebook Livestream view-only option. Using the comment spreadsheet as a working document, the subcommittee and community may provide comments on the Discussion Draft of the Community Plan – Land Use and Mobility (continued) in addition to Parks and Urban Design.
Especially useful will be specific suggestions not already represented on the spreadsheet. For the complete agenda and other details, visit: PlanUniversity.org
From PlanUniversity@SanDiego.gov: The University Community Plan Update Subcommittee will meet to take comments on the Discussion Draft of the University Community Plan. The meeting details are as follows:
University Community Plan Update Subcommittee Meeting
Tuesday, May 16 from 5:30-8:00pm
University City High School – Media Center/Library Room
6949 Genesee Ave, San Diego, CA 92122
For those who are unable to attend the in-person meeting:
- UCCA is providing a Facebook LiveStream option at: https://www.facebook.com/UniversityCityCommunityAssociation/
- Comments and specific suggestions related to the Discussion Draft may be submitted by email to Plan University, Andrew Wiese, and Chris Nielsen at: planuniversity@sandiego.gov, awiese@sdsu.edu, cn@adsc-xray.com
Using the comment spreadsheet as a working document, the subcommittee and community may provide comments on the Discussion Draft of the Community Plan – Land Use and Mobility
(continued) in addition to Parks and Urban Design. Especially useful will be specific suggestions not already represented on the spreadsheet.
The agenda and comment matrix are available the the Meeting Materials section at: https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings
Please note that this meeting will be in-person and will focus on:
- land use
- mobility
- parks
- urban design related topics.
Subsequent meetings will discuss other aspects of the plan. Participants are encouraged to review the discussion draft University Community Plan, which is available on the project website in two formats: an Discussion Draft on-screen version and Discussion Draft print-ready version.
Prior to attending, and to ensure the meeting will focus on meaningful feedback, participants are also encouraged to review the April 11th presentation to the University Community Planning Group, which provides an overview of the plan.
If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact the Chair of the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee, Andrew Wiese, at awiese@sdsu.edu.