Tue, Feb 21, 6 PM: Community Plan Update Subcommittee (CPUS) meets in person at UC High School; Facebook LiveStream view & listen option available


UPDATE 1 – Live stream view & listen option: For those who were unable to attend the in-person meeting, please note that this meeting was live-streamed to the University City Community Association Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/UniversityCityCommunityAssociation/. We had some technical issues and spotty internet connections at times. Thanks to all for your patience and your participation. Thanks to University City High School for allowing us to use your space. We ended up with two videos.

UPDATE 2 – UCCA will feature UCPG, UCCA, and CPUS event coverage and a message from the planning department in the March University City News print newsletter.

Part 1 – approximately first 1 1/2 hour of meeting

Part 2  approximately last 1/2 hour of meeting

You are welcome to share these videos; but please note that they will be available for 30 days on Facebook.

The City of San Diego Planning Department hosted an in-person Community Plan Update Subcommittee (CPUS)  meeting on Tuesday, February 21st at 6 p.m. at the University City High School – Media Center/Library Room, located at 6949 Genesee Ave, San Diego, CA 92122.

The University Community Plan Update Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the University Community Planning Group, which is the City’s recognized citizens’ group for the University Community. This subcommittee was created specifically for the Community Plan Update in order to provide feedback to the City regarding the process.

Register Today: Review the most recent land-use scenarios, provide feedback, and register for this meeting at: https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings

Please note: Broadcast Live Stream to Facebook should not be considered interactive. There is at least a 10 second delay and possibly more depending on  connections. A Facebook LiveStream broadcast should be considered a view & listen opportunity for an off site audience. Those who want to interact with the Planning Department staff and committee members should attend the in-person meeting.

For more information: About the Community Plan Update process, please visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpu/


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