Happy Valentine’s Day! The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet via Zoom at 6 PM on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. This is a public meeting and all are invited to attend. Election to be held March 14, 2023, for new UCPG board seats. The February 2023 agenda and Zoom information is available below and are also available on the Planning Group website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
Hello from UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: I’ve attached the AGENDA 2023_02_14_Agenda_UC as well as the MINUTES 2023_01_10_UCPG Minutes to be approved.
Special Guests:
- We will have D6 Councilmember Kent Lee on the call, scheduled near the beginning of the meeting.
- We will also have a brief update from Nicholas Reed, Chair of the Clairemont Community Planning Group.
Agenda item 7 is an action item requesting the city to vacate approximately 0.3 acres along North Torrey Pines Road at its intersection with Revelle College Drive (Scholars Drive) to correct an oversight from a 1995 road improvement project. UC San Diego Real Estate will present. Presentation available at: 20230207 Torrey Pines Right of Way Vacation Presentation FINAL LR
Agenda item 8 is our annual Candidate’s Forum. Each candidate for a UCPG board seat in the March 14 UCPG election may make a two-minute statement about their goals for the UCPG if elected to the board. This statement will also be included in my article for the UCCA news, both on-line and in print.
As a reminder, the deadline for declaring your candidacy for a UCPG board seat is the February 14 UCPG meeting.
The UCPG will use both UC Libraries as ballot drop-off locations from Monday March 6 through Monday March 13 during library opening hours. Ballots will be available on the city’s UCPG web site once the list of candidates has been determined. The web site is located here: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
The March 14 UCPG meeting will be in-person at 10300 Campus Pointe Drive, second floor. In-person voting will be available just outside this room from 5PM to 8PM. The meeting location will be the same as our pre-pandemic meeting location.
Agenda item 9 is an information item that continues our discussion of building design and the Climate Action Program. Roger Cavnaugh will present and has provided the material attached below as a short introduction.
I look forward to seeing you for our last Zoom meeting on Tuesday February 14 at 6PM.
Zoom Information:
To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81440740509?pwd=NmQ4TEI3Slc0cjdPbzBPN3BFMW00Zz09
- Meeting ID: 814 4074 0509
- Passcode: 041885
To dial in from your phone: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kteTRH64c and follow the directions given.
If you have trouble joining this meeting, please note: Zoom is moving towards a “Authorized Users Only” where only people who have a Zoom Account can access a Zoom meeting.
- Go to: https://zoom.us/signup – if you already have a Zoom account, the software will automatically log you in.
- If you don’t log in automatically, then you probably don’t have a Zoom account.
- Please follow step two below.
- Go to: https://zoom.us/signup and follow the prompts to establish a free Zoom account and profile.
- Once you set up your Zoom account, click on your avatar in the upper right corner and then click on Check for Updates to make sure your software is up to date. Please note that an update can take several minutes.