UCPG Tue, Jan 10: Planning Group releases Agenda for January 2023 & Election Notice; this is a public Zoom meeting and all are welcome

👋 Hey University City; here’s a preview of this month’s community meetings:

These are public meetings and all are welcome to attend. For more University City News, visit: universitycitynews.org/

The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet via Zoom at 6 PM on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. This is a public meeting and all are invited to attend. Election to be held March 14, 2023, for new UCPG board seats. The January 2023 agenda and Zoom information is available below and are also available on the Planning Group website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas

From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen:

I’ve attached the agenda for the 2023_01_10_Agenda_UC.  This meeting is by Zoom, with joining instructions on page 3.

The minutes are attached from the meeting on December 13.  These minutes consist of the meeting minutes plus the letter sent to Environmental Services at the Development Services Department by the UCPG as our comment on the Towne Centre View draft EIR.  The comment letter from the UCPG to Environmental Services begins on page 14. Reference: 2022_12_13_UCPG MInutes_Draft

Stephanie Saathoff and Clif Williams will give a brief status update on the response to comments for the Towne Centre View draft EIR during my Chair’s report.

Item 8 is an action item to review and approve the UCPG election procedures for March 14, 2023.  I have updated the 2022 election procedures to reflect changes for 2023, and to correct minor errors in the 2022 document.  This document is attached for your review.  Naturally, the ballots referenced do not yet exist, as UCPG members have until February 14, 2023, to declare their candidacy. All election material will be posted in late February to the “Agendas” section of the UCPG city web site. Reference: 2023_UCPG_Notice_of_Elections

Election to be held March 14, 2023, for new UCPG board seats. Appointment of an Election Subcommittee. The deadline for declaring candidacy for a seat below is February 14, 2023, by email to Chris Nielsen at cn@adsc-xray.com. Each incumbent has announced for re-election. Seat Held by:

    • Resident 1A: Karen Martien
    • Resident 2A: Chris Nielsen
    • Resident 3A: Sasha Treadup
    • Business 1A: Carol Uribe
    • Business 2A: Fay Arvin
    • Business 3A: Neil DeRamos

Both UC Libraries will be available for ballot drop-off during operating hours from March 6 to March 13. In person voting will be 5PM to 8PM March 14 at 10300 Campus Pointe Drive. The action is to approve the procedures for the election.

Item 9 is an information item to continue a discussion from November on Green Building design and technology and the relationship to the city’s Climate Action Plan.  I anticipate a short power point presentation will be ready shortly. Presentation: UCPG & SD CAP 1.10.2023

January 2023 Agenda: https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/2023_01_10_agenda_uc.pdf

Zoom January 2023: To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89763141230?pwd=SExKeCtnWVMrRTc1clY0TkFzVTVwZz09

  • Meeting ID: 897 6314 1230
  • Passcode: 113332

To dial in from your phone: Find your local number: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdSljZHHc5

  • Meeting ID: 897 6314 1230
  • Passcode: 113332

University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️