Registration is now open for the November 15, 2022, University City Community Plan Update Subcommittee Meeting. This meeting will be held using Zoom and begins at 6 PM.
From Nancy Graham, Planning Department: Please join the City of San Diego Planning Department for a virtual meeting of the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee on Tuesday, November 15th at 6:00 p.m. On the agenda, we will take input from Subcommittee members and the public regarding the updated land use scenarios. The scenarios were updated based on previous community feedback.
Overview the Agenda for Nov 15:
- 6:20 Revised Land Use Scenarios, Nancy Graham (City of San Diego): City staff will present updated land use scenarios (Scenario A and Scenario B) that have been revised based on subcommittee and public comments.
- 6:30 Land Use Scenarios Discussion, Andy Wiese (Chair, UCPU Subcommittee): Chair will lead a discussion to collect input on the revised scenarios. Staff will provide technical support.
You must register in advance if you wish to attend in any capacity, including viewing, listening, and possibly speaking. We will be using Zoom software to conduct the meeting. To view the agenda and register, click the links below or visit www.PlanUniversity.org/
Register: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItcu-urzgpEgjnQb-W7QzUPRyzYMbrsA4