Thank you to all who voted in the November 8 General Election.
From the SD Registrar of Voters: All results are considered unofficial until completion of the official canvass of the election on or before December 8, 2022. The Final Unofficial Election Night Results and Reports related to Election Results, Voter Turnout by Precinct are available on the Registrar of Voters website at: https://www.sdvote.com/
Election Results Explained:
- The first set of unofficial election night results will appear shortly after 8 p.m., November 8, 2022. They will include mail ballots received before Election Day, and vote center ballots from early voting between October 29 – November 7. They typically include votes for qualified write-in candidates, however for this election there are no qualified write-ins..
- After the first unofficial report, election night updates will include vote center ballots cast on Election Day only. There will be no more updates to mail ballots on election night.
- Once the vote centers close at 8 p.m. on election night, vote center ballots must be driven in from 217 vote centers across San Diego County.
- Periodic election night result updates will continue throughout the night until all vote center ballots are reported. It may take the Registrar’s office until 1 a.m. or later to tabulate all vote center ballots for the final unofficial election night results.
- The next unofficial results update will be posted on the following schedule:
- By 5 p.m., Thursday, November 10 through Saturday, November 12
- By 5 p.m., Monday/Wednesday/Friday November 14 through November 18
- Additional updates may occur at the discretion of the Registrar of Voters.
- After election night, voter turnout percentage will increase as timely and validly cast ballots, including mail and provisional ballots, are added into the count.
- Mail ballots postmarked on Election Day and received by the Registrar’s office by November 15 will be considered timely cast.
- All results are unofficial until completion of the official canvass of the election on or before December 8, 2022.
- Follow SDVOTE on Twitter for updates on election results reporting.
More information available from the Registrar of Voters at: https://www.sdvote.com/