The November 2022 newsletter (PDF version) is now online and available to read, print, and share with family and friends. The print version of the newsletter will be available for distribution this weekend. Print versions will be available at the Libraries and Recreation Centers on Monday, October 31.
Let’s support our local businesses. UCCA urges all members to refer to the advertising section our of print newsletter for current promotions from our local advertisers. While you wait for your print copy, you can view, share, and download the PDF version: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
Join UCCA Today! Thank you if you have already joined or renewed for 2023. And if you haven’t yet: send your check with the membership form on page 14 of the November print newsletter: or go to Join UCCA Today at and pay online with your credit or debit card.
From UCCA’s president Diane Ahern: Hello University City, it’s November! I hope you are all safe and well. As we ease into November and the hope of a Padres World Series, the reality of the 2022 General Election, and the certainty of the Winter Holidays, I’m reminded that it was a year ago that I decided to seek the position of UCCA president. Thanks to all for your support. It’s been a privilege to serve.
My first introduction to UCCA was through Neighborhood Watch when in 2013, I volunteered to be a street captain. I’ll never forget my first UCCA meeting that year when Barry made his president’s remarks and he warned us about increased traffic on Genesee that would result from the expansion of both the Mid-Coast Trolley and the UTC Mall. Fast forward to today and increasing traffic is still a challenge.
Today we’re also faced with the challenges of the Community Plan Update, the pending Pure Water Pipelines Construction project on Genesee, Nobel, and Towne Centre, and the changes at City Council and elected representatives due to US Census-related Redistricting and University City’s transition to City Council District 6.
What I’ve come to appreciate over the last year is that change is inevitable. We must be resilient and prepared to adapt to change. We’re dealing with the ongoing changes occurring today; and we don’t yet know what the future may hold. Last year, I wrote that my UCCA presidential goals included sharing news and information to help keep all of us well-informed. I will also encourage neighbors to volunteer their time and talents to influence today and to shape our future to keep University City more than just a neighborhood. I remain committed to those goals now more than ever.

One way we can shape our future is to vote in the Tuesday, November 8, General Election. Due to redistricting and redrawn boundary maps, many voting districts have changed. At the City Council level, University City will vote in our new City Council District 6 with the communities of Mira Mesa, Sorrento Valley, MCAS Miramar, Kearney Mesa, and parts of Scripps Ranch. Your Vote is your Voice; please Don’t be Silent; please Exercise your Right to Vote. For your convenience, University City Community Association has put together a list of resources to help ease the voting process this year. Take a look at: UCCA’s How to Vote Guide – Links to Candidate Interviews and Resources
In this November 2022 issue of University City News, you’ll find local news and features you won’t find anywhere else. We include summaries of both the planning group and community plan update meetings; we address the concerns of many related to increasing use of fentanyl; we share many photos of community events held in October and information about upcoming holiday events and construction projects. You’ll find even more, including agendas for many community meetings, on our website at UniversityCityNews.org.
Thank you to all who have joined UCCA; thanks for your contributions to University City; and thanks for reading the newsletter. Have a great November; I hope to see you at community events and meetings this month. We are University City 92122; and we are more than just a neighborhood.
UCCA will hold a public meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, November 9, at 6:00pm. Please join us. All are welcome.
- Topic: UCCA’s November 9 Community Meeting
- Time: Wednesday, November 9, at 6:00pm
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81928099247?pwd=Y1Y1ZTkwbkp1VGlQcnZGeExwZmNGUT09
- Meeting ID: 819 2809 9247
- Passcode: 860467
- Phone users, dial in and follow prompts: +1 669 900 6833