The October 2022 newsletter (PDF version) is now online and available to read, print, and share with family and friends. The print version of the newsletter will be available for distribution this weekend.
- While you wait for your print copy, you can view, share, and download the PDF version: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
- Check out our October Save the Date Short List: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/29/save-the-date-heres-the-october-november-2022-short-list-for-university-city-what-we-know-about-events-and-meetings/
Please note: UCCA will host an In-Person Community Chat Meet Up on Wed, Oct 12, at the Library on Governor. You spoke and we listened. By popular demand, UCCA will not host a Zoom meeting in October but rather will host an in-person Community Chat Meet Up at the Library on Wednesday, October 12, from 5:45 to 7 PM.
We’re calling it a Community Chat Meet-Up. Join friends and neighbors and University City Community Association for an informal, in-person, no agenda, Community Chat Meet Up on Wednesday, October 12, from 5:45 to 7 PM at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. Meet up for networking, to learn more about what’s going on in University City, to hear more about UCCA and upcoming events, and to renew your UCCA membership. All UCCA members will be entered into a drawing for a special gift basket. As an added bonus, you’ll learn more about the new services available through our University Community Library.

From University City Community Association president Diane Ahern: Hello University City, it’s October! it was so nice to see so many of you during September. Everyone seems so eager to get back to in-person events and to support all that is so special about our University City community.
In September, we started with back-to-school events and Labor Day, we experienced a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence when the Date (9/21/22) matched our ZIP code (92122), and ended the month with the return of the Miramar Air Show.
Thanks to the many community members who attended the Planning Commission Workshop on September 29 to hear feedback on the Community Plan Update. Details at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/26/thu-sep-29-item-3-planning-commission-to-review-and-provide-early-input-on-community-plan-update-for-university-city/
A special thanks to the staff of the University City 92122 Post Office who provided refreshments, a souvenir envelope, and approved a custom University City cancellation postmark in recognition of Date Meets ZIP. I understand the souvenirs will be available at the Post Office, while supplies last, through mid-October.
And that’s not all; a special shout-out to Valerie Upham for sponsoring food trucks and a free concert at Standley Park on 9/21/22 in recognition of Date Meets Zip.
The planning group supported, and the City Council approved, UCCA’s proposal to expand its Banner District to include the major east/west street of Nobel Drive. This expanded Street Banner District helps to visually unite our community. Thank you to Councilmember Joe LaCava.
UCCA welcomes Julie Nydam as our new membership chair; she may be familiar to many as a long-time resident, school administrator and volunteer. We are glad to have her on our team.
We anticipate an opportunity to fill the volunteer position of newsletter distributor, the role that Don Hotz currently fills. UCCA prints a newsletter 10 times a year; the distributor position requires a lot of effort for approximately two days a month, 10 times a year, to coordinate the delivery of newsletters. If you’re already delivering newsletters, then you know how important this job is. If you are interested, please contact us at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com.
October 8 marks the return of Oktoberfest to Standley Park, a fundraiser to benefit the University City public schools.
Both the planning group (2nd Tuesday) and the community plan update (3rd Tuesday) subcommittee are expected to meet via Zoom in October. Please check both the City and UCCA website for updates.
Also in October, UCCA will host an in-person Community Chat Meet-up on the 2nd Wednesday, October 12, from 5:45 to 7pm at the University Community library on Governor. There is no specific agenda; just time to chat with neighbors and friends. Details below; I hope you can join us.
In this October 2022 issue of University City News, you’ll find local news and features you won’t find anywhere else. You’ll find even more, including agendas for many community meetings, on our website at UniversityCityNews.org. Thank you for reading. Have a great October. While I’ll be out of town during most of October welcoming a new grandson, I hope you’ll support the many community events and meetings this month. We are University City 92122; and we are more than just a neighborhood.
Wed, Oct 12 – In-Person Community Chat Meet Up: You spoke and we listened. By popular demand, UCCA will not host a Zoom meeting in October but rather will host an in-person Community Chat Meet Up at the Library on Wednesday, October 12, from 5:45 to 7pm. We’re calling it a Community Chat Meet-Up.
Join friends and neighbors and University City Community Association for an informal, in-person, no agenda, Community Chat Meet Up on Wednesday, October 12, from 5:45 to 7pm at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. Meet up for networking, to learn more about what’s going on in University City, to hear more about UCCA and upcoming events, and to renew your UCCA membership. All UCCA members will be entered into a drawing for a special gift basket. As an added bonus, you’ll learn more about the new services available through our University Community Library.
Check out our October Save the Date Short List: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/29/save-the-date-heres-the-october-november-2022-short-list-for-university-city-what-we-know-about-events-and-meetings/