Happening Soon in University City:
- 9/13/22 – UCPG Planning Group on September 13, at 6 PM via Zoom. Agenda and meeting information, when available, will be posted at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/10/sep-13-6-pm-ucpg-planning-group-meets-via-zoom-issues-agenda-for-their-september-meeting/
- 9/14/22 – UCCA Community Association on Wednesday, September 14, at 6 PM via Zoom. For the latest University City News, visit our website at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/11/wed-sep-14-6-pm-ucca-community-association-meets-at-6-pm-via-zoom-issues-preliminary-agenda/
- 9/20/22 – CPUS Community Plan Update is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, September 20. The Plan University City website has been updated with information about the Community Plan Update. Take a look at https://www.planuniversity.org/
- 9/21/22 – Date Meets ZIP – 9/21/22 = 92122 on Wednesday, September 21.
- USPS – University City Post Office: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/13/when-the-date-meets-the-zip-in-university-city-its-happening-at-the-92122-post-office-on-wed-sep-21-2022/
- Community Sponsored Event: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/09/13/university-city-celebrates-on-wed-sep-21-when-the-date-meets-the-zip-in-university-city/
- 9/22 & 23 – Miramar Air Show begins with practice day on September 22; show days September 23-25. Details at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/08/29/mcas-miramar-air-show-2022-practice-day-is-sep-22-show-days-are-sep-23-25/
The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet via Zoom at 6 PM on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. This is a public meeting and all are invited to attend. The September 13 agenda and Zoom information is available at the end of this post and is also available on the Planning Group website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
Agenda summary provided by UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen; Preliminary Agenda Items include (all items listed are subject to change):
Item 7: A vote is required to continue to hold the next UCPG meeting virtually.
Item 8: The UCCA has long sponsored a “Banner District” program along Governor Drive, paying to hang and maintain community-identifying banners from the streetlamps. The UCCA wishes to add banners along Nobel Drive to the banner district, creating a community-wide district including both north and south UC. The UCCA needs a UCPG recommendation to forward plans for the banner district to CM LaCava, who will in turn obtain approval from the City Council. Diane Ahern, UCCA President, will present. The presentation is available here: UCPG – Proposal to Expand UCCA’s Street Banner District
Item 9: The final draft of the UCPG Annual Report, covering April 1, 2021, through March 31, 2022, is ready for review and attached, and includes revisions requested at last month’s UCPG meeting. The action would be to approve the report as presented. Chris Nielsen will present.
Item 10: This is a membership outreach action item and may include securing a booth at the EdUCate! Oktoberfest event on Saturday October 8 from 2 to 6PM at Standley Park. Roger Cavnaugh will present.
Item 11: This is an information item by the city on the status of the Pure Water project, presented by Sarah Bowles. A similar presentation will be given at the UCCA meeting on Wednesday evening, September 14. The presentation will be sent when it’s available.
Item 12: This is an action item to prepare a “Budget Priority List” to submit to our council offices (D1 and the new D6 CM) for their use in preparing budget requests for the year beginning July 1, 2023. The budget priority list can contain both Capital Improvement Projects and non-CIP projects (also referred to as “maintenance” items). Items on the budget priority list may include spending on design and studies for CIP projects we’ve prioritized. The budget list has been turned in to the council offices in January, recently, but CM Cate requested it be turned in earlier due to communities shifting districts. The list must be approved at this UCPG meeting. Georgia Kayser, presenting.
The September 13, 2022, agenda (PDF version) is available at https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/2022_09_13_agenda_uc.pdf
Zoom Info: To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link:
Meeting ID: 832 0572 2654
Passcode: 634195
To dial in from your phone: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbfAo1WzNS
Meeting ID: 832 0572 2654
Passcode: 634195