Hey everybody, we’ve got a family friendly outdoor community concert coming up, and you’re all invited. Electric Waste Band’s Ed Fletcher, Bob Rosencrans and Bob Harvey will be joined by former EWB keyboardist Dave Chesavage, with special guest, Bill Walton on percussion and un-mic’d vocals. This should be a great time!
Are you into live music, dancing and having a good time with family, friends and neighbors? Formed in ‘89, San Diego’s Electric Waste Band (“EWB”) plays crowd-inspired, high-energy, improvisational rock-n-roll featuring the music of Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead.
Are you a long-time Grateful Dead / Jerry Garcia fan? Then get outside and join us at Standley Park! The Electric Waste Band will be playing on Sunday, July 31, 2022, at Standley Park in University City, 3585 Governor Drive. Sound check and warmup begins at 4:30; concert from 5 to 7 PM.
Standley Park is a fun and family friendly venue with playground and large grassy area. Bring your friends, family and neighbors … and your dancing shoes. Come early with your chairs, blankets, and picnic dinners. Enjoy the evening with friends and neighbors in University City. Arrive early to pick out a favorite spot in the shade. Don’t forget your dancing shoes!
For more on the Summer Concerts at Standley Park, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/summer-concerts-in-standley-park/