The University City Garden Club is a local community group of neighbors who gather to share their interest and knowledge in gardening, conservation, and landscape design through neighborhood gardens and group excursions. The UC Garden Club will develop philanthropic programs to help enhance the community through beautification projects and an interest in landscaping and gardening.
Members do not have to be expert gardeners, but have an interest in the gardening lifestyle. If you are interested in attending a Garden Club meet-up and helping to re-grow the UC Garden Club, please contact Jemma Samala at jemmasamala@gmail.com
Upcoming UC Garden Club meetups (subject to change) include:
- July 23 at 2 PM in a local garden which features flowers, fruit and vegetables.
- August 20, 2 PM featuring a talk by Greg Rubin, author of California Native Landscape. This is a joint meet-up with the UC Fire Safe Council.
- September (date and time to be determined) featuring a yard with over 100 fruit trees.
- October 8 at Oktoberfest at Standley Park.
- November (date and time to be determined) featuring a Backyard Bounty Potluck.
- December 9 at Holiday Lighting at Standley Park featuring miniature tree decorating.
To register and for more information about the July 23 meet-up, contact Jemma Samala at jemmasamala@gmail.com