July 12, 2022: UCPG (planning group) Meeting Agenda and Information


UPDATE: At last night’s July UCPG meeting, Nancy Graham (City Planning Dept) and Andy Wiese (CPUS chair) announced that the July CPUS has been cancelled so the City Planning Dept staff can have more time to research the answers to questions that have been raised by the CPUS and by community members.

While Nancy Graham is not expected to attend tonight’s UCCA community meeting, Andy Wiese, Chris Nielsen (UCPG chair), and Katie Rodolico (CPUS committee member and UCCA rep) are expected to provide information and insight related to this change in the CPUS schedule.

UCCA University City Community Association meets on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. Information available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/07/10/wed-jul-13-ucca-community-association-meets-at-6-pm-via-zoom-whats-on-the-agenda/

The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet via Zoom at 6 PM on Tuesday, July 12. This is a public meeting and all are invited to attend. The July 12 agenda and Zoom information is available at the bottom of this post and is also available on the Planning Group website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas

From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: I have attached the agenda 2022_07_12_Agenda_UC for the UCPG meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022. This meeting will be at 6PM by zoom; the details for attending the meeting can be found on page 3 of the agenda. I have also attached the draft minutes from the June 14 meeting 2022_06_14_Meeting Minutes_Draft for your review.

This agenda will be posted in both UC Libraries on Friday, July 8, and will constitute official notice of the meeting under the Brown Act. At this point it seems likely that the UCPG will meet on August 9 and Item 7 is an action item to determine if the next UCPG meeting will be virtual. This decision requires a vote each month under AB361.

  • Item 8 is an action item to determine further actions the UCPG may take to improve and broaden membership outreach. Both board members and community members are encouraged to participate in the discussion.
  • Item 9 is a DISH wireless project at 8800 Lombard Place. This may be better known to all as the 20+ story “Palisades” apartment building at UTC. I expect a presentation prior to the meeting. In the meantime, I have attached an overview rendering provided by the applicant; available at SDSAN00474C_PhotoSims_20220121090457  The installation is on top of the building.
  • Item 10 is an action item to provide a recommendation for a Conditional Use Permit for a market located at 4150 Regents Park Row. The Conditional Use Permit is required when alcohol is being added to a business’s permit or a permit is renewed. A presentation is available at PTS-0698115 UTC Market CUP UCPG Presentation
  • Item 11 is an action item to provide a recommendation for Phase 1 of the restoration project for the Los Penasquitos Lagoon, located at 11606 Sorrento Valley Road. A portion of the project is in the University Community, and a larger portion of the project is in the Torrey Pines Community. The scope of work includes upstream floodplain enhancements, freshwater and fine-grained sediment conveyance improvements, and restoration of 51 acres of non-native ryegrass to salt marsh habitat in the downstream portion of the Lagoon. The project is currently at the 60% design and permitting phase. Design is expected to be completed in December 2023 and construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2024. I expect a presentation by end of business Friday.

I hope to see everyone at the meeting,

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Historical Information:

Zoom Information:

To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89386176292?pwd=aWpISG90b3BTZlFQU0hLQ3Z4QjRrUT09

  • Meeting ID: 893 8617 6292
  • Passcode: 014741

To dial in from your phone: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kCAfHk7CT

Also meeting this week: UCCA University City Community Association on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. Information available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/07/10/wed-jul-13-ucca-community-association-meets-at-6-pm-via-zoom-whats-on-the-agenda/


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️