The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will welcome MCAS Miramar’s CO Bedell at its Tuesday, June 14, 2022 meeting via Zoom. This is a public meeting and all are welcome. From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: The agenda for the June 14 meeting (with Zoom information) is available at 2022_06_14_Agenda_UC
A late addition to the agenda is Col. Bedell, commander, MCAS Miramar. Col. Bedell will discuss base and flight operations during Kristin Camper’s MCAS Miramar report time and will be available to answer questions. I will exercise the Chair’s prerogative and move this report first in our list of reports, likely around 6:30PM.
Prior to reports will be our first agenda item #5, from the city’s traffic department. Everett Hauser will present a brief presentation about a slurry seal project on Palmilla Dr. and Charmant Dr. in north UC. There will be no change in bike lanes, on-street parking, or reduction in vehicle lanes proposed with this project. I have attached the presentation for this project at UCPG 06.14.2022
Agenda item #8 is an action item to discuss and act on community outreach to the community by the UCPG. As you know, proposals for changes to planning group operations are moving through city process towards the council, perhaps in late summer. This is an effort to define the kind of community outreach we should have. The first action will be authorizing a $65 expenditure to have a booth at the Standley Park 4th of July Celebration, together with volunteers to staff this booth, promoting both the UCPG and Plan Update.
Agenda item #9 is an action item to discuss and possibly approve the UCPG annual report covering April 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022.
Agenda item #10 is an action item to determine whether to hold the July 12 UCPG meeting virtually by zoom or in-person. We must city public health reasons in choosing a virtual format.
I’ll be sending out additional information tomorrow for the outreach discussion and sending the meeting minutes.
For more information about the University Community Planning Group, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
Join Zoom June 14, 2022, at 6 PM
To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84617760275?pwd=ZEEvS01zL2VwUjJrODg5L1premlVQT09
- Meeting ID: 846 1776 0275
- Passcode: 955755