Have you heard? It’s back! The Run, the Food, the Parade, the Games, the Booths, the Opportunity Draw Gift Baskets, the Cars, the Music, the Snow, the Racquet Sports … and so Much More! All proceeds from the UC Celebration support the UC Parks Council and help to fund events such as the Summer Concert Series.
For more information, visit our website at uccelebration.com
and follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/UCCelebration
To sign up for a booth or donate books, contact jemmasamala@gmail.com.
For the most up-to-date information including Volunteer Opportunities, 5K Run Registration, Vendor/Community Booths, Events Schedule and Old Town Trolley Shuttle Park n Ride, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-4th-of-july/
- UC Celebration website: http://uccelebration.com/
- VOLUNTEER: https://www.volunteersignup.org/DMC9R
- 5K RUN registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5k-and-1-mile-fun-run-uc-celebration-july-4th-2022-tickets-329244187227
- BOOTHS (vendor and community): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uc-celebration-booth-application-2022-registration-333045276387
- PARK AND RIDE: Parking at the UC Celebration will be limited due to construction at Spreckels and restrictions at Standley and at Swanson. For your planning purposes, please note that general parking is available along Governor Drive and on Mercer and at the Standley Middle School parking lot on Radcliffe. Additional parking is available adjacent to the Old Town Trolley stops. Don’t drive; take the free shuttle aboard the Old Town Trolley, operating along Governor Drive from 11 AM to 7:30 PM. Trolley makes a continuous loop on Governor from the I-805 Park n Ride to Stresemann with stops along Governor, from east to west, include:
- The Park and Ride at 805
- Gullstrand St – both sides
- Curie Elementary School and across street at Urgent Care
- Mercer Ave and across street at Standley Park
- Corner of Regents Rd – both sides
- Corner of Stresemann Ave at Church of Latter Day Saints