UCCA’s June 2022 University City News is now Online with Local News and Events and So Much More


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June 2022

Hello University City, the June 2022 newsletter (PDF version) is now online and available to read, print, and share with family and friends. The print version of the newsletter will be available for distribution the first weekend of June; Saturday or Sunday, June 6 or 7, 2022. While you wait, download the PDF; then scroll down for the link to our short summary of May 2022 news and events.

June Newsletter Highlights from UCCA President Diane Ahern: Hello University City, it’s June. This month it’s about Flags, Fathers, and Family Fun. Happy Flag Day (June 14), Father’s Day (June 19), and Summer Solstice Day (June 21) to all. Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States by resolution of the Second Continental Congress back in 1777.

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On Father’s Day we have the opportunity to honor and remember fathers as well as fatherhood and the influence of fathers and father figures in our community. The Summer Solstice is the day with the longest period of sunlight hours and typically marks the first day of Summer.

How will you spend you Summer in University City? Many of us are looking forward to with the return of the UC Celebration of the 4th of July at Standley Park. This University City Family Fun event is returning bigger and better than ever with the opportunity to start new traditions and to remember the past. It’s University City’s homecoming.

The Family Fun will continue with the Summer Concerts return to Standley Park on Sunday evenings in July and August. The Banana Split Ice Cream Social will also take place in August. We can’t wait to get together with family, friends and neighbors.

Before we officially kick off Summer in University City, please exercise your right to vote (the Primary election is June 7), and attend the community association (UCCA on June 8), the planning group (UCPG on June 14), and the community plan update (CPU on June 21) meetings. You can make a difference in our community.

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I think it’s safe to say that most of us were relieved when the City’s planning department announced last month that it will not move forward with its initial plan to expand SB9. Senate Bill 9 (SB9), which became law early in 2022, effectively did away with single family zoning in California. 

However, the community plan update for University City is all about change, including changes in land-use and zoning. UCCA urges residents to participate in upcoming meetings and to provide input to the planning department.

The June issue of University City News is filled with local news and information and events that you won’t find anywhere else. UCCA thanks the many community contributors, advertisers, UCCA members, and volunteers who make our print newsletter possible.

If you haven’t renewed your UCCA membership for 2022, you’ll find the membership coupon in this issue. Have a great month; thanks to all who help to make University City more than just a neighborhood.

Take a look at our Save the Date! event list for June; available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/05/31/heres-the-june-2022-save-the-date-short-list-for-university-city-what-we-know-about-events-and-meetings/

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University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️