The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet on Tuesday, May 10, at 6 PM, via Zoom video conference. This is a public meeting and all are invited to attend. Information about the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) is available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas.
From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: I have attached the agenda for the UCPG meeting on May 10, 2022; the minutes from the April 12, 2022, meeting are attached for review and approval. Scroll to the end of this post for links.
- Item 7 – This month’s agenda begins the postponed action item to provide a recommendation for a Conditional Use Permit for the Stars and Stripes carwash, gas station, and convenience store on the northeast corner of Eastgate Mall and Miramar Road. The CUP, necessary to sell beer to take away at this location, is issued for a fixed period and must be renewed.
- Item 8 is an information item from the City of San Diego Engineering & Capital Projects Department’s citywide pipeline replacement program to replace the ageing infrastructure of the water distribution system and the sewer collection system. We expect to hear about the location of the pipes to be replaced along with the impact of the construction on our neighborhoods.
- Item 9 is an action item to determine the mode and location of our June 14 UCPG meeting. Alexandria has made our “usual” 10300 Campus Pointe Drive location available for an in-person meeting so we can meet there. The board will decide between this option and zoom. It may be possible to provide some kind of hybrid meeting but there is no assurance of this at this point.
- Item 10 – The final Item 10 is an action item to consider the latest proposals from CM La Cava’s office on changes to community planning groups. Roger Cavnaugh was at the CPC meeting last month where the latest revisions were presented and will lead the discussion. The board may elect to write a letter detailing its position on CPG issues to send to the CM’s office.
Agenda for May 10, 2022: 2022_05_10_Agenda_UC
Minutes (draft) for April 12: 2022: 2022_04_12_UCPG_Minutes_Draft
UCPG Planning Group: To join the Tuesday, May 10, 6 PM UCPG meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81041378926?pwd=ZjhEejFCOTUrQTdxeWxOeGJRQUlnZz09
Meeting ID: 810 4137 8926
Passcode: 393879
To dial in from your phone: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kAJMUHlyR
UCCA Community Association: UCCA meeting on Wednesday, May 11, at 6 PM via Zoom. The agenda and Zoom link, when available, will be posted at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/05/08/ucca-agenda-for-may-11-2022-community-meeting-to-focus-on-housing-and-public-safety-your-suggestions-welcome/