April 27 update: Both Tommy Hough and Kent Lee have planning backgrounds. Tommy Hough serves on the San Diego County Planning Commission representing County District 3. Kent Lee serves on the Mira Mesa / Sorrento Valley Planning Group. Jane Glasson has a special education background.
While both Candidate Forums were about D6, the Monday, April 25, D6 Candidate Forum had an environmental focus and was sponsored by San Diego 350 and the Center for Community Energy. The Tuesday, April 26, D6 Candidate Forum had a community focus and was sponsored by University City Community Association, Mira Mesa Town Council, and Sorrento Valley Town Council.
Watch on YouTube:
- Monday April 25, candidates discuss the environment and the SD County role in infill, urban sprawl, and regional transportation: https://youtu.be/eZ_93IPUifw
- Tuesday, April 26, candidates discuss local issues such as the delivery of public services, community input, city planning, and the role of city council: https://youtu.be/6UYqbf7gzyw
The primary election is Tuesday, June 7. Voting information is available at https://www.sdvote.com/content/rov/en/elections/election_information.html
Please share this information with your contacts. We are very fortunate in University City, Sorrento Valley, and Mira Mesa – there are two D6 Candidate Forums: One is tonight, April 25, is at 7 PM and it’s sponsored by the environmental group SD 350. The other is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 26, at 6 PM and is sponsored by UCCA, Mira Mesa, and Sorrento Valley. Registration is required for both forums; and there’s still time to submit questions to both. All three candidates have committed to attending both forums.
* Monday, April 25, 7:00pm, Candidate Forum: SD City Council D6 w/San Diego350, When: Mon, April 25, 7:00pm – 8:30pm. Watch recording at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQo2-Nc1Xxosdir28UNHbw
* Tuesday, April 26, 6:00pm, Candidate Forum: SD City Council D6 w/UCCA, MMTC, SVTC. When: Tue, April 26, 6:00pm – 7:30pm. Watch recording at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQo2-Nc1Xxosdir28UNHbw
For more information, visit the League of Women Voters website at https://www.lwvsandiego.org/