The City Planning Department has posted the presentation materials from the April 19, 2022, Community Plan Update meeting. The attached images is the from the April Presentation PDF page 6 and page 29 with the Schedule and Next Steps. Please note that Next Steps are tentative and scheduled events (such as discussion of proposed land use and zoning changes, votes, Planning Commission workshop, and draft plan release) are subject to change. Please note that the community plan update is a document that recommends changes to existing land use and zoning. Any redevelopment
is at the discretion of the property owner, commercial or residential, and not required by the city or the plan update.
For more information about the Community Plan Update, visit the City website at https://www.planuniversity.meetings
- April Agenda: Agenda
- April PowerPoint Presentation: Presentation PDF
- April YouTube Meeting Recording: Presentation Recording
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpu/