Summary courtesy of Diane Ahern: News items and discussion about community issues, events, concerns, and volunteer opportunities (such as the community plan update, traffic calming, ADUs, fire safety, public schools, parks and recreation) have come up many times at meetings of the community association (UCCA), the Planning Group (UCPG), and at the Community Plan Update Subcommittee (CPUS). Community issues and concerns have also been discussed by the volunteers who serve on the Standley Community Recreation Group (CRG), the Parks Council (UCPC), EdUCate!, the Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA), and at the University City Fire Safe Council (FSC) meetings.
The print University City News newsletter (produced by UCCA) contains meeting notices and information about many of these groups and often includes meeting summaries. Each of our local community groups serve a different and important function in our University City community and help to make University City more than just a neighborhood. Many thanks to all our University City volunteers.
- University City Community Association (UCCA): The community volunteers who produce the monthly print newsletter rarely make the news. That’s because one of the purposes of UCCA (a 501c4) is to identify issues or concerns of the population and provide a meeting place to discuss said issues or concerns. The community association rarely takes positions on issues. The community association hosts monthly community meetings, produces the print newsletter, and maintains several websites. Find out more about UCCA at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-about-us/
- University Community Planning Group (UCPG): The volunteers of the University Community Planning Group provide official recommendations to the City on community goals and land development proposals. They provide important feedback to the City about future growth and community needs. Find out more about UCPG at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- University Community Plan Update Subcommittee (CPUS): The volunteers of the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee are tasked with working with the City Planning Department to update the current Community Plan for our area. They consider current conditions, Citywide goals in the Climate Action Plan and the General Plan, and community specific goals to provide direction for the long-term development of the community. For more information about the Community Plan Update subcommittee, visit https://www.planuniversity.org/
- Standley Community Recreation Group (CRG): The role of the volunteers who make up the Community Recreation Group (CRG) is to make recommendations to City Council and the Parks & Recreation Department with respect to recreation programs in the community and to provide recommendations on the expenditure of Recreation Center Funds. For more information about CRGs, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/parks-and-recreation/general-info/boards/crg
- University City Parks Council (UCPC): The volunteers of the Parks Council maintain a 501c3 organization which supports all University City parks. This group is best known for producing the 4th of July UC Celebration and the Summer Concerts at Standley Park. For more information about the Parks Council, email UCParksCouncil@gmail.com or visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/parks-recreation-dept/
- Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA): This watchdog group was formed by a group of citizens in San Diego’s University City neighborhood after the December 8, 2008, military aircraft crash on Cather Avenue. The ongoing goal of CASA is to ensure neighborhood safety by insisting that MCAS leadership remain accountable to its own flight safety and noise protocols. For more information, email citizensadvocatingsafeaviation@gmail.com or visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/c-a-s-a-citizens-advocating-safe-aviation/
- EdUCate! (University City Foundation for Public Schools): EdUCate! is a non-profit foundation established in 1993 with the goal of providing supplemental funds to all five University City public schools. Volunteer opportunities within EdUCate! range from a few hours to several years. For more information about EdUCate!, visit https://uceducate.org/
- Fire Safe Council (FSC): The volunteers of the Fire Safe Council are part of a network of community Fire Safe Councils in San Diego County and throughout the state of California. The role of the FSC is to provide education and outreach to prevent and prepare for fire so that all are well-protected from the threats of structure and wildfire. For more information about the FSC, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/