From the League of Women Voters: The two Leagues in San Diego County, LWV of San Diego and LWV of North County San Diego, have worked over the past year on a study of policing practices. This working group of our Criminal Justice Committee kept its scope to the City of San Diego’s Police Department and the County Sheriff’s Office, along with some glimpses of Oceanside and Chula Vista. Nonmembers can listen but not influence member discussion. The topics are:
- Police Discipline
- Traffic Stops
- Police Unions
- Police in Schools
- Surveillance
- Transparency as a topic within all of those
We hope that the attendees will have read at least the summaries of the Policing Practices Study Committee’s five reports so that you will be informed. The reports have been printed in the Voter newsletter of each League and are on our Criminal Justice webpage. As members, you will be able to express your opinions during the Consensus Process to revise or add to the consensus statements and then show whether you agree or not with those statements. These statements have been approved by both boards prior to the member consensus meetings.
Nonmembers can listen but not influence member discussion.
Registration is required. For more information, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/policing-san-diego-study-report-and-consensus-registration-259241055977?aff=web