University City Community Association (UCCA) is partnering with the Sorrento Valley Town Council (SVTC), the Mira Mesa Town Council (MMTC), and the League of Women Voters (LWV) to sponsor an online forum for candidates running for City Council District 6 in the June primary election. The Candidate Forum will be held via Zoom Webinar on April 26, from 6 to 7:30 PM. City Council District 6 candidates Jane Glasson, Tommy Hough, and Kent Lee are expected to participate.
Please note that University City east of I-5 will vote in the District 6 June primary and November general elections.
Register at http://lwvsdforums.org/Apr26 for the Tuesday, April 26, 2022, D6 City Council Candidate Forum. The Zoom Webinar Candidate Forum will be moderated by the League of Women Voters of San Diego and conducted according to their guidelines. Following introductions, each candidate will give an opening statement. This will be followed by a question and answer session. Questions are read by the League moderator and each candidate will be given equal time to respond to the same question. Pre-registered attendees may submit questions for the candidates after completing the registration process. The D6 Candidate Forum will be recorded and posted on the LWV YouTube channel
Zoom Webinar participants will have an opportunity to submit questions in advance after completing the Zoom Webinar registration process. Registrants will receive a Zoom Webinar confirmation via email with instructions for submitting questions for the candidates.
- Register at http://lwvsdforums.org/Apr26 for the Tuesday, April 26, 2022, D6 City Council Candidate Forum.
- For more information about the League of Women Voters of San Diego, visit https://www.lwvsandiego.org/
- For more information about the June 7 primary election from the Registrar of Voters, visit https://www.sdvote.com/content/rov/en/elections/election_information2.html
- Candidates and Campaigns: https://www.sdvote.com/content/rov/en/candidates-campaigns/filing.html
- Candidate List for June 7 Primary: https://www.sdvote.com/content/dam/rov/en/election/2022June/Candidate_List.pdf#
- Verify your Voting District: https://www.sdvote.com/content/rov/en/elec-rep-info-lookup.html
- For more information about University City Community Association, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-about-us/
- Please note that University City east of I-5 will vote in the District 6 June primary and November general elections. For more information about City Council redistricting, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission