Updated 04/08/2022: The Planning Department’s proposals for higher density adjacent Nobel Drive and rezoning with higher density / townhouses on Governor Drive have already been developed and are available at https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings. The images attached are from the City Planning Department’s March presentation. Register for the April 19 meeting at https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings
The University Community Plan Update Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the University Community Planning Group (UCPG), which is the City’s recognized citizens’ group for the University Community. This subcommittee was created specifically for the Community Plan Update in order to provide feedback to the City regarding the process.
University City is in the process of a Community Plan Update facilitated by the San Diego Planning Department. Two land use scenarios have been developed by the Planning Department and can be viewed at https://www.planuniversity.org/materials. Discussions on the proposed scenarios are anticipated to continue at the April 19 University Community Plan Update Subcommittee meeting; register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9h89iet8TmWlbas5m-rMyQ. Learn more about the University Community Plan Update by visiting PlanUniversity.org.
For up-to-date information, please refer to the following resources:
- The April print newsletter page 8 (petition from Help Save UC), and pages 10 and 11 with news from the Planning Group (UCPG), the Community Plan Update (CPU) subcommittee, maps of the Proposed Scenarios from Nobel Drive and Governor Drive: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
- The Plan University City meetings webpage with registration information for the April 19 CPU meeting and materials from earlier meetings: https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings
- The Planning Department website with department contacts: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/about/contact
- For CPU and UCPG news from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpu/
The images are from the City’s March Community Plan Update presentation.