April 2022 University City News
In Case We Missed It: UCCA gets updates and news from local University City groups and community contributors throughout the month. Please send us your University City News at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com.
Save the Date (additional information in the print newsletter PDF and posted on our website):
- Friday, April 1, University Community and North University libraries begin their April program schedule.
- University Community Library on Governor: https://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/locations/university-community-library
- North University Library on Judicial: https://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/locations/north-university-community-library
- Friday, April 1, all three Recreation Centers begin their April program schedule.
- Doyle Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/centers/recctr/doyle
- Nobel Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/centers/recctr/nobel
- Standley Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/centers/recctr/standley
- Friday, April 1, Earth Month begins: https://www.countynewscenter.com/celebrate-earth-month-with-the-county-of-san-diego/
- Thursday, April 7, Standley Joint-Use Pool and Pavilion Grand Opening Celebration from 12:30 to 1 PM
- Saturday, April 9, Egg Hunt, Standley Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Drive, from 10:00 AM to 12 PM – Check with the Recreation Center for more information.
- Sunday, April 10, People for a Clean UC from 7:30 to 9 PM. Meet-up at Starbucks at 3202 Governor Drive.
- ➡️ Tuesday, April 12, UCPG Planning Group Meeting at 6 PM. Agenda and Zoom information at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- Wednesday, April 13, Egg Hunt, Doyle Recreation Center, 8175 Regents Road, from 12 PM to 1:30 PM – Check with the Recreation Center for more information.
- ➡️Wednesday, April 13, UCCA meeting with MCAS Miramar Colonel Bedel and CM Joe LaCava at 6 PM; this will be a Zoom Meeting and the preliminary agenda and Zoom link will be posted on our website on April 11.
- Saturday, April 16, Egg Hunt, Nobel Recreation Center, 8810 Judicial Drive, 10 AM to 12:00 PM – Check with the Recreation Center for more information.
- ➡️ Tuesday, April 19, University Community Plan Update (CPU) from 6 to 8 PM. Agenda and Zoom information at https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings
- Wednesday, April 20, UC Celebration 4th of July planning committee at 7 PM at Standley Rec Center. For more information, visit http://uccelebration.com/ or contact Randall Tonini at randalltonini@icloud.com
- Friday, April 22, Earth Day
- ➡️ Tuesday, April 26, San Diego League of Women Voters City Council Candidate Forum for Council District 6. Register and Zoom information available at http://lwvsdforums.org/Apr26
- Thursday, April 28, Standley Park Recreation; contact Rec Center for meeting information at 858.552.1652 – Check with the Recreation Center for more information.
Read the Newsletter: universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives
Take a look at the updates we’ve posted on our University City News at https://universitycitynews.org/category/university-city-news-ucca/
Have a great month. We hope to see you soon at one of our many community events and meetings. We are University City 92122 and we are more than just a neighborhood.