The proposed changes to community planning groups (CPGs) would fundamentally change role of neighborhood voices in key San Diego decisions. As published by SDUT 3/13/2022: San Diego is considering fundamental changes to the city’s 42 neighborhood planning groups that would alter how the groups operate and how they provide crucial input to the City Council before key votes. Supporters say the changes would make the groups more transparent, better organized and less likely to oppose dense developments the city is pursuing to help solve its housing crisis.
The changes also aim to boost demographic diversity by requiring more aggressive term limits and encouraging the groups, which are primarily made up of White homeowners, to recruit more minorities and more renters. Critics say the changes would severely burden the volunteer groups and create membership goals akin to quotas.
They also say some groups, particularly in low-income areas, could be overwhelmed and forced out of existence. Some suggest the changes are being pushed by the development community to streamline the approval process for new housing and other projects by limiting opportunities for neighborhood opposition.
The proposed changes, which are expected to go the City Council for a vote later this year, were sparked by complaints from the city auditor and the county grand jury that the planning groups are unprofessional, unpredictable and not adequately transparent.
The groups also have been criticized for seeking to block housing projects too aggressively and for having stagnant membership that doesn’t accurately reflect the neighborhoods they represent.
Councilmember Joe LaCava, who is spearheading the effort, said he believes the changes will keep the planning groups robust and important, while also making them more representative, independent and accountable.
That’s a excerpt; read the entire article on the San Diego Union Tribune website at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2022-03-13/planning-groups-to-face-new-policies-encouraging-renters-young-people-minorities
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/