Mar 8 2022: UCPG Planning Group releases Election Information and Agenda for Mar 8 2022; early Ballot Drop off available at Local Libraries; Costa Verde update


Re Costa Verde – At the March UCPG community meeting, the UCPG planning group chair announced that Alexandria (the property owner and developer) intends to build out the property within the scope of the existing permits with a hotel, life-science office space, and retail. All existing tenants were expected to vacate the property by March 15. There is no decision yet on the retail mix of stores; that is yet to be determined. There will be some kind of grocery market but it will not be a large chain. It’s expected to be a smaller grocery neighborhood market that caters to pedestrians rather than to automobiles. The small area with McDonald’s and the gas station will remain as is.

The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on March 8, 2022, at 6 PM using Zoom video conferencing technology. Please note that the March agenda includes details about the March UCPG Board election. Information about the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) is available at

From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: PLEASE REMEMBER TO CAST YOUR VOTE IN THE UCPG ELECTION. BALLOT DROP-OFF AT THE LIBRARIES (both the Library on Governor and the Library on Judicial) IS AVAILABLE UNTIL MONDAY  March 7 at 7:00 PM. Voting on March 8 will be in-person only. For more information about election procedures, including in-person voting on March 8, visit

UCPG meeting information summary: I have attached the agenda for the University Community Planning Group at 2022_03_08_Agenda_UC. Instructions for joining the Zoom call are on page 3.

Here are some items on the March 8 agenda include:

  • Item 7: AB361 provisions for a vote to be held authorizing the next meeting to be by zoom, citing public health reasons.
  • Item 8: Action item for a project approval, sign Neighborhood Development Permit, at the Belmont Senior Living facility at 3880 Nobel Dr. The applicant wishes to place two signs that are larger than permitted.
  • Item 9: “Gilman Village” Community Plan Amendment Initiation for the following parcel: Lot 2, Map 7174, La Jolla Village Apartments Unit 2, (APN: 346-802-13-00), SE corner of Gilman Drive at Via Alicante south to Interstate 5. As of January 5, 2022, Property Zone Map is RM-1-1, however, Property Zone Per City DSD ZAPP Property Information Profile the site has three zones as follows: RM-1-1, RM-2-5, and RM-3-7. An Open Space Easement for the entire property was granted to the City of San Diego in 1972, with 22 of the site’s 31 acres later designated as MSCP and 100% conserved. The UCPG will recommend approval or denial of the plan initiation and may approve a report with supporting findings. Approval of the CP Amendment Initiation would require removal of the Open Space Easement and adjustment of the MSCP boundary. The Planning Commission is scheduled to hear the plan initiation on 04/07/2022 and is the decision maker.
  • Item 10: We will have election results after 8 PM once in-person voting concludes, and a final tally is made.
  • Item 11: One Alexandria North action item. We heard this project as an information item on Feb. 8. Alexandria is asking for a project recommendation.
  • Item 12: This is a presentation on clean local energy describing the benefits of local solar power together with the recent decision to indefinitely postpone a recent regulatory proposal on NEM, or “Net Energy Measurement”. Bill Powers and Sonja Robinson will present from the Protect Our Communities Foundation.
  • Item 13: This is an action item for a project approval of an Alexandria project that involves a demo of an existing building and construction of a new five story building, including basement, and a 4.5 story parking structure located at 4555 Executive Drive. Process 2, decision by hearing officer. Steve Pomerenke, presenting.

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Meeting ID: 836 9770 3301
Passcode: 426973

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