For more News & Event information from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2022/03/01/%f0%9f%91%8b-university-city-news-and-events-for-march-2022/

This UPDATE just in: The City has extended the deadline to complete the Capital Improvement Projects survey.
? The survey asks: What projects does your community need the most? Bike Lanes? Bridges? Fire Stations? Libraries? Lifeguard Stations? Parks? Police Stations? Recreation/Community Centers? Sewer Pipelines? Sidewalks? Storm Drains? Street Lights? Street Paving? Water Pipelines?
? Complete the online survey here: www.sandiego.gov/PrioritizingCIPSurvey

Hello University City Community Association, the March newsletter (PDF version) is now online and available to read, print, and share it with family and friends. This month’s cover story features the opening day festivities of UC Del Sol fastpitch softball and UC Little League. The back cover advertisers are Torrey Holistics and California Coast Credit Union. Print delivery will begin the first weekend of March.
Thanks to all our community contributors and to our advertisers and to our delivery volunteers … you are the neighbors and friends who make the print newsletter possible. Let’s support our local businesses. UCCA urges all members to refer to the advertising section our of print newsletter for current promotions from our local advertisers. The print newsletter is available as a PDF at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
From UCCA president Diane Ahern: Hello University City 92122, it’s March already! Wow, March always seems to bring so much change and this year is no different.
We’re changing our clocks (the evening of March 12/13) for Daylight Saving Time, changing seasons from Winter to Spring on March 20, COVID restrictions seem to have eased, and we get to celebrate one of my favorite days – National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day on March 17.
March is also a time for Spring Cleaning and a focus on home fire prevention and safety. On March 12, don’t miss Coldwell-Bankers’ Shred-Fest and the Fire Safe Council smoke detector alarm give-away.
We’re also in the process of updating the Community Plan for University City with potential changes to Zoning and Land-Use Options, and Senate Bill 9 (SB9) implementation with the potential for lot splits and townhouses on Governor Drive.
On March 15, 2022, the Community Plan Update Subcommittee will meet via Zoom from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The Subcommittee will discuss the proposed land use scenarios and provide feedback. UCCA urges all to participate in this Zoom webinar. Pre-registration is required and UCCA will post the Zoom registration link on our website and Facebook.
For more information and a recap of the February planning group meetings, refer to the reports from Chris Nielsen and Katie Rodolico in the print newsletter.
Both University City libraries and all three University City recreation centers are open; so are our parks and open spaces. Please remember that in San Diego, dogs must be kept on a leash not to exceed 8 feet at all times except when at a designated off-leash area or confined to a residence or backyard.
Leash law requirements are also enforced at City parks including canyons and trails. More information regarding the City’s leash law can be found on the “Your Dogs and City Parks” on the City’s website sandiego.gov.
Planning ahead, save the date for the Standley joint-use pool ribbon cutting ceremony (April 7), the Spring Egg Hunt (April 9), the D6 Candidate Forum on April 26, and Taste of the Triangle on May 6. You’ll find the details with the March newsletter.
Did you know that we and our local post office will commemorate University City “92122 Date Meets ZIP” on September 21, 2022 when the date aligns with our ZIP Code? For most of us this is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Please let us know how you’d like to celebrate.
Please read through the March issue for news and features that our contributors hope are of interest to University City residents and workers. You too can be a community contributor. The submission guidelines are available on page 2.
Did you know that UCCA is celebrating 20 years in 2022? If you’d like to read the history of UCCA as told through our print newsletters, please take a look at the newsletter archives page at universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives
We’ll have more information and community updates at the March 9 UCCA Zoom meeting at 6 PM. I hope you will join us. If you have an information item or concern to share, please let us know by contacting us at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com. Thanks to all for helping to keep University City More than Just a Neighborhood.