It’s Back! 4th of July UC Celebration planning to begin Wed, Feb 16, 7 PM, at Standley Park


2022 Update from Randall Tonini: Hello UC Community! My name is Randall Tonini and I’m the event chair for the UC 4th of July Celebration. I’ve had the privilege of serving on this committee for the past seven years. As many of you know, the Celebration is an annual event that our neighborhood looks forward to each year, but because of the current pandemic, we’ve had to cancel the past two years.

For 2022, I’m excited to announce that we are planning and preparing to re-launch this large-scale event and we’d love to have you involved!

If you would like to help in the planning, we are having our first meeting at Standley Recreation Center at 7pm on Wednesday, February 16th. If you have any questions or would like to join our planning committee email list, please contact me at You can also visit our website at! Thank you!

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