As published in the Union-Tribune on Tuesday, February 8, San Diego approved Tuesday a sweeping package of housing incentives and regulation changes that aim to spur construction of more housing units while also helping the city avoid dramatic changes to neighborhood character. The City Council voted 8-1 in favor of the housing package Mayor Todd Gloria calls “Homes for All of Us.” Other incentives include making it easier for businesses to build on-site housing for their workers, incentives for developers who build larger “family” units with three or more bedrooms, and incentives to build units geared for the disabled. Read the entire article on the Union-Tribune website at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2022-02-08/san-diego-oks-large-package-of-housing-incentives-including-accessory-units
For related information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2021/12/15/thu-dec-16-planning-commission-to-make-recommendations-for-municipal-code-changes-related-to-housing-development-incentives-and-new-housing-opportunities-such-as-adus-and-lot-splits/
See also https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/transportation/