The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on February 8, 2022, at 6 PM using Zoom video conferencing technology. Please note that the February agenda includes details about the March election. Information about the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) is available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen:
I’ve attached the agenda for the February 8, 2022, University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meeting. The link for joining the meeting is included below and is on page 4 of the Agenda as are instructions for using a phone. Please be sure to see “Important meetings and hearings” at the end of this message. Included in the February Agenda is information about the March election. Available at: 2022_02_08_Agenda_UC
Here is a brief look at the items for this month:
- Item 7: Provision for using Zoom for the March meeting. I recommend we continue with Zoom next month and reevaluate for April.
- Item 8: Candidate Forum. Each declared candidate for the UCPG board should make a three-minute presentation introducing themselves. As of this writing, there are ten candidates. Remember: During this item we will make a “final call” for any remaining UCPG members who wish to declare their candidacy.
- Item 9: I will discuss details for the March 8 election and answer questions. Drop-off ballot boxes will be available the week prior to the election at the north and south UC libraries, as well as in-person voting from 5-8 at the Alexandria Campus Pointe location. Final details will be posted by February 21 on the UCPG section of our “agendas” web site here: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- Item 10: This is an action item asking the UCPG to re-prioritize its CIP list to move the three Vista La Jolla streetlights to the top priority on the list. Since this is a small dollar item (~$150K), we expect this to be funded quickly.
- Item 11: This is an action item to make a community group recommendation for a utility easement vacation. The project, located at 3020 Callan Road, was recommended for approval by the UCPG in August 2020. The city has decided the existing utility easement should be vacated along the southeast portion of the property as part of the project. This is a Process 2, decision by city staff.
- Item 12: This is an action item to rezone lots 1 through 5 of La Jolla Commons III from CV-1-2 to CO-3-1 at 4707, 4727, 4747, 4750 and 4757 Executive Drive. The current “visitor” designation does not permit the “R&D office” use that the applicant intends for future use at this property. The rezone does not involve additional entitlements for the property. This project is Process 5, decision by the city council.
- Item 13: This is an information item to introduce the redevelopment project “One Alexandria North”. The project is an 11.4-acre site and proposes to demolish two existing buildings and develop four buildings and a parking structure at 11255 & 11355 N Torrey Pines Rd. This project is Process 5, decision by the city council.
Important meetings and hearings: You may be interested in some of the following meetings or hearings on a variety of topics.
- 1. City Council meeting to decide on revisions to the ADU ordinance. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard on this issue by attending the council meeting by zoom and giving an agenda item comment. Information is here: https://www.neighborsforabettersandiego.org/so/3dNwtl9Hh?languageTag=en&cid=07b7c5b0-007f-44e1-a1be-2e8d95275196#/main
- 2. “Build Better SD” program. This is the “DIF/FBA” replacement policy, and will determine how developer fees are apportioned between community use and city-wide use going forward. The city is conducting three in-person workshops for community input. I am informed that there will be a virtual workshop in March as well. Please see the city’s new set of web pages on this program here: https://www.sandiego.gov/buildbettersd. This information lacks detail but gives you the basic idea. Workshops are shown at the end of the web site above. Experience has shown that this is the time when public feedback has maximum impact in formulating new policy, so please try to attend one of the three in person workshops or the March (date to be determined) virtual workshop.
- 3. The latest proposals for changes to Community Planning Groups (CPG) are on Joe LaCava’s web site. They have been revised somewhat since the first draft, and the current versions are here: https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/policies-priorities. These are still undergoing revisions after the latest CPC meeting with Joe LaCava on January 25.
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/
To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link:
Meeting ID: 834 0275 4778
Passcode: 528495
To dial in from your phone: Find your local number:
Meeting ID: 834 0275 4778
Passcode: 528495
and follow the directions given.