Have you experienced an increase in crime in your area? Neighborhood Watch helps to promote safety through education, observation, and reporting.
From Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Barbara Gellman: Neighborhood Watch is a citywide crime prevention program in partnership with our police that promotes safety through education, observation and reporting, not confrontation. There are 9 police divisions in our city and most are involved in this program, Northern Division is ours. Investing in street safety is proven to prevent many crimes; we all hold the key to safety, our actions or inactions determine the outcome.
Why is it needed: Due to police understaffing, residents are needed more and more to report suspicious activities and crimes in the community. The police need us to alert them since we know what goes on but the police don’t, unless we report it. We are a “force multiplier” by providing extra eyes and ears in the community.
Types of suspicious activities/crimes: Non-emergency such as car thefts, care break ins, casing, solicitors, disturbing noise such as party houses or other. Call 619-531-2000 push the *star key to speak with a dispatcher more quickly. Emergency such as seeing a crime in progress or fear of injury to oneself or another, Call 911.
Solution: Taking a leadership role on your street as a Neighborhood Watch Captain or Co-Captain where you will gather neighbors to meet with our Community Relations Officer and the Coordinator to discuss steps needed to provide a safe environment.
- Knowing what to do if you see strangers casing the cars/house
- Knowing who to call if a solicitor won’t leave your property
- Knowing who to call for homeless problems
- Knowing how to prevent scammers
All of these and more are discussed and shared with your neighbors; knowledge leads to putting you in control, not the “bad guy”.
Next step: If you don’t see one of our blue and white signs with the “eyes” looking at you on your street, then it is time to make the call to start the crime prevention process. Contact me at bggellman@yahoo.com to be part of the solution.
For more information about Neighborhood Watch, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/neighborhood-watch/