Thu, Dec 16: Planning Commission to make recommendations for Municipal Code changes related to housing development, incentives and new housing opportunities such as ADUs and lot splits


On Thursday, December 16, the Planning Commission will review several projects and is expected to recommend that City Council approve amendments to the City Municipal Code as described in the Housing Action Package including lot splits and ADUs.

December 16, 9 AM: The Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, December 16, at 9 AM via Zoom, to discuss and vote on the Homes for all of Us Housing Action Package. The agenda, with link to comment form and Zoom information, is posted at

Please note ITEM 4 on December 16, 2021 agenda:

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*HOMES FOR ALL OF US: HOUSING ACTION PACKAGE: Homes for All of Us is a Citywide initiative aimed at producing more homes across the City that San Diegans of all income levels can afford. The Housing Action Package aims to implement new state law related to housing development, align the state law with existing city housing programs, and incentivize and promote new housing opportunities throughout the city. The Housing Action Package includes regulations to implement the requirements of Senate Bill 9, which would allow for individuals to split their lots and provide up to two units per lot. The Housing Action Package also includes amendments related to accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and other amendments to provide local housing incentives to increase the production of housing across the City. The item includes amendments to the San Diego Municipal Code and the Local Coastal Program. Report No. PC-21-057 available at

As an alternative to submitting a public comment, you may share feedback by taking a survey. As posted on the city’s website: As the City’s Planning Department continues to solicit public input about this housing action package, please share your feedback and any additional ideas you have about actions the City could be taking to address the housing crisis by clicking “Take the Survey” at

For more information about the Housing Action Package, view presentation on YouTube or visit

Background: On Tuesday, December 14, the Community Planners Committee (CPC) held a special meeting to review various land use amendments including changes in housing as described in the draft Housing Action Package. The Draft Housing Action Package includes a variety of local housing programs and incentives; implementing regulations for California Senate Bill 9 (SB 9), passed by the legislature in 2021 and effective State-wide on January 1, 2022; and amendments to the City’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) Regulations that address privacy, enhancement of the urban tree canopy, and contributions to needed infrastructure.

Meeting agenda (with Zoom info) and supporting documents are courtesy of Chris Nielsen, Chair, University Community Planning Group (UCPG).

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As an alternative to submitting a public comment, you may share feedback by taking a survey. As posted on the city’s website: As the City’s Planning Department continues to solicit public input about this housing action package, please share your feedback and any additional ideas you have about actions the City could be taking to address the housing crisis by clicking “Take the Survey” at

For more information about the Housing Action Package, visit

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The Community Planners Committee (CPC) was instituted to ensure communication and to solicit citizen input on citywide issues among the various planning groups in the City under the direction of Council Policy 600-09. Council Policy 600-24 designates each Community Planning Group chair to also be the group’s representative at the CPC. For more information, visit

The Planning Commission recommends changes in the City’s General Plan and community plans; makes recommendations on the Capital Improvements Budget, re-zonings and related land use matters; and has final approval on subdivisions as well as many permit types. Planning Commission members are volunteers appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Planning Commission conducts public hearings and acts on items in accordance with the San Diego Municipal Code. For more informaiton, visit


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