Hello University City neighbors. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and happy winter holidays to all. Due to production schedules, the print newsletter will not be ready for delivery until this weekend, December 4. However, you can take a look and share the PDF version today.
The December 2021/January 2022 cover story features the Holiday Celebration at Standley Park on December 10. Our back cover advertisers are Nancy Beck and Osher Institute. Thanks to all our community contributors and to our advertisers and to our delivery volunteers ⌠you are the neighbors and friends who make the print newsletter possible. Letâs support our local businesses. UCCA urges all members to refer to the advertising section our of print newsletter for current promotions from our local advertisers. The print newsletter is available as a PDF at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
From newly elected UCCA president (effective December 1, 2021) Diane Ahern: Hello University City, Iâm honored to write my first column as the newly-elected president of University City Community Association (UCCA). Thanks to all who supported our slate of candidates and who took the time to vote at the November UCCA meeting.
Iâm privileged to volunteer with talented and energetic board members including vice-president Mack Langston, treasurer Jemma Samala, secretary Jim Beshears, beautification chair Merle Langston, neighborhood watch coordinator Barbara Gellman, membership chair Hallie Burch, north University City liaison Bill Beck, newsletter coordinator Don Hotz, advertising volunteer Terri Day, special events coordinators Darlene Ventimiglia and Barbara Henshaw, community plan update liaison Katie Rodolico, and 100s of other volunteers who help deliver the print newsletter, serve in neighborhood watch groups, attend UCCA and other community meetings, and serve on various committees and special events. Thank you!
A heart-felt shout-out and thank you goes to our long-time UCCA president Barry Bernstein who has termed out this year. Weâre all pleased that he will continue to serve on the UCCA board in the role of past president. We thank him for his years of service and dedication to making University City more than just a neighborhood.
Youâre reading our combined December / January print newsletter. This issue is always a challenge to put together because thereâs so much University City News. This monthâs publication not only contains a summary of fall events and news, it also covers two of the busiest months of the year. For instance, hereâs some of whatâs going tonight and in December:
- November 30, Tuesday evening, at 6 PM, the Community Planners Committee (CPC) will hear a presentation by Joe LaCava on revisions to Council Policy 600-24, the policy under which Community Planning Group (CPGs) operate. This will be the only agenda item. Revisions to this policy will need to be passed by Land Use and Housing, the Planning Commission, and City Council. There may be significant changes to the way CPGs operate in the future. Please plan to attend if youâre interested. The agenda, Zoom link, and supporting materials are posted on the City’s website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community-plans/community-planners-committee
- December 1, Wednesday evening, the Redistricting Commission hosts a Public Hearing on the current preliminary map at 5:30 PM. Will University City be moving to Council District 6? The Public Hearing is accessible via Zoom. The meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted at https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission/meetings
- Tuesday, 12/7, at 5:30 PM; join meeting at https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1608848917
- View the current preferred map at https://districtr.org/plan/87525
- Submit a public comment at https://portal.sandiego-mapping.org/
- Visit the Redistricting Commission web page at https://www.sandiego.gov/redistricting-commission
- Attached map is from the SD Union-Tribune published on 12/2/2021
- December 8, Wednesday evening, 6 PM, University City Community Association (UCCA) will host a community meeting via Zoom. The agenda will be posted when available. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8587743266Â
- December 9, Thursday evening, the Standley Park Community Recreation Group (CRG) hosts an in-person meeting at the Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Drive, at 7 PM. To get on an email list to receive the agenda, please contact Center Director Roger Hughes at Rhughes@sandiego.gov.
- December 10, Friday morning, the SANDAG board of directors is scheduled to discuss SANDAGâs 2021 Regional Plan which includes a proposal to add three additional lanes on SR-52 from I-5 to I-805 through Marian Bear Park. Weâll be able to join the SANDAG meeting via Zoom. Information available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2021/11/29/sandags-2021-regional-plan-proposes-to-add-three-additional-traffic-lanes-on-the-52-through-marian-bear-park/
- December 10, Friday evening, I hope to see you at the in-person Standley Park Dinner with Santa and Holiday Celebration with the Christmas Tree and Menorah Lighting and a visit from Santa. Details at Dinner With Santa Tree & Menorah Lighting 2021
- December 15, Wednesday evening, the Redistricting Commission is scheduled to make its final recommendation to the City Clerk about changes in City Council district boundaries.
And what about UCCA? We will host community meetings via Zoom on Wednesday, December 8 (details above) and on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 6 PM. Currently the Library on Governor is closed on Wednesday evenings. Should we continue our monthly community meetings via Zoom? Or would you like to meet in-person at the Library (assuming itâs open) at 4155 on Governor Drive? Please give it some thought and let us know via email at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com or voice mail at 858.412.0786.
As we get ready to start the New Year, Iâm sure weâre all hopeful that we can continue with outdoor, in-person events like we enjoyed this fall such as EdUCateâs Oktoberfest, Octoberâs Halloween festivities, last monthâs Mid-Coast Trolley grand opening on the UCSD campus, and the holiday pie giveaway at Standley Park. You’ll find news and photos from these events in this issue.
I know youâll enjoy reading this edition of the University City News which is produced by many dedicated UCCA volunteers, friends, and neighbors. Best wishes for Joy, Love, and Peace this holiday season and the happiest new year.Â