From UC Fire Safe Council president Diane Ahern: Karl Cranford (JK Computer Services) has recently completed a drone video survey of brush conditions in Rose Canyon on behalf of our Fire Safe Council. If you own property (or live or work) near or adjacent to Rose Canyon, you won’t want to miss this. We’ve invited Karl to share his perspective.
Our fire department representatives Marci Garcia and Raquel Lias from SDFD Code Compliance (Brush Management) and Captain Alma Lowry (Community Resource Officer) are also invited. Tom Cartier is our FSC brush management expert and will facilitate the discussion from a homeowner’s perspective.
Why is this important? Brush management and defensible space is a best practice for fire prevention and preparation. It’s also important because California Civil Code 1102.19(a) established that, as of July 1, 2021, when you sell property that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone
, you’ll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection (DSI) that complies with Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code or local vegetation management ordinances (SDMC 142.0412). Reference at https://www.sandiego.gov/fire/services/ab38
Agenda items include:
- Intros and announcements: Diane Ahern
- World Premier Video: Rose Canyon Brush Assessment University City (available on YouTube at https://youtu.be/vpk9fpSd_O0) – Karl Cranford (invited) and Tom Cartier
- Fire Department reports: (invited) Marci Garcia, Raquel Elias, Captain Alma Lowry – brush management code compliance and canyon fire safety
- Roundtable reports and discussion: what are your goals and current projects for fire safety? Have you hardened your home? Share your holiday fire (and burn) safety tips: Fire Safe Council members
- Non-agenda public comments and announcements: All
- Grant funding and spending updates: Lou Rodolico and Tom Cartier
- Vacant FSC board position: Fire Safe Council members
- Anything else?
Topic: Fire Safe Council of University City Meeting
Time: Nov 22, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time
Email the FSC for the Zoom link: UCFireSafeCouncil@gmail.com
For more information about the University City Fire Safe Council, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/
For information about Brush Management in San Diego, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/fire/services/brush