MEDIA RELEASE: City of San Diego Develops Resiliency Plan to Deal with Climate Change Hazards


From City of San Diego Communications Department: San Diego residents are encouraged to review and provide input on the draft Climate Resilient SD Plan. With the purpose of improving the lives of all San Diegans and ensuring the City is prepared for the effects of climate change, the City of San Diego is asking for public feedback on its recently released draft Climate Resilient SD plan.

Climate Resilient SD implements key strategies of the City’s Climate Action Plan and fulfills legislative requirements to integrate climate adaptation into the City’s General Plan. Specifically, Climate Resilient SD looks at the past, present and future conditions of San Diego’s primary climate change hazards: wildfire, coastal flooding and erosion, flooding and drought, extreme heat and sea level rise.

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“The climate crisis is already impacting San Diegans, especially those in frontline communities,” said Mayor Todd Gloria. “We are doing the work needed to prepare our city to overcome these threats while addressing environmental justice. Our efforts to enhance San Diego’s resilience will result in many economic, health and quality of life benefits for all of us.” 

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The plan aims to make sure San Diego will not only have the capacity to respond and recover from these climate change hazards, but also improve through investments in local communities. In addition, the plan focuses on maintaining critical City services, prioritizing investments for the City’s most vulnerable populations and investing in the areas with the greatest needs. Each of the plan’s adaptation strategies focuses on core benefits that can be achieved, such as social equity, recreation and improved air quality.

Climate change hazards present a risk to San Diego’s natural environment, public health and safety, and economic prosperity,” said City Planning Director Mike Hansen. “By taking action now, we ensure our City is not only prepared to respond to the impacts of climate change but is actually able to thrive. We are committed to planning for a more equitable, sustainable and healthy future for all San Diegans, especially the most vulnerable who face the greatest risks and have the fewest resources available to respond.”  

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As City staff developed the draft plan, they held several outreach events and collected community surveys. They will continue to solicit additional feedback before finalizing the document. Staff will present the draft to the Planning Commission at its Nov. 4, 2021, meeting. Climate Resilient SD is expected to go to the San Diego City Council for approval by the end of this year.

For more information: Residents and members of the public can read the draft, provide feedback and interact with others giving input by visiting the City’s Resiliency webpage. Comments can also be submitted to or mailed to Attn: Climate Resilient SD Team at 9485 Aero Drive, M.S. 413, San Diego, CA 92123.


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