UCPG Planning Group issues Agenda for October 12, 2021; meeting to be held via Zoom; public welcome


The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 6 PM via Zoom using Zoom video conferencing technology. The link for joining the meeting is included below and is on page 3 of the Agenda as are instructions for using a phone. The agenda and information about the planning group is available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas.

From Planning Group chair Chris Nielsen: I look forward to seeing you at the meeting. We have the following on the agenda this month:

Item 7. AB361, recently signed by the Governor, allows groups following the Brown Act to continue to hold virtual meetings. A group must pass a resolution at each meeting stating that due to health concerns, the next meeting is to be held virtually.

Item 8. Meagan Beale will be termed out following this month’s meeting. Per the bylaws, the board will appoint a replacement member who will serve out Meagan’s term. Meagan Beale holds seat R1-A. Prospective candidates must have attended at least one UCPG meeting in the last 12 months and be a resident member with an address south of Rose Canyon, north of SR-52, and between I-5 and I-805.

Those who wish to be considered should either email Chris Nielsen prior to the October 12 meeting, or announce their candidacy during this item. Candidates will be given three minutes each to make a statement. Seat R1-A will be considered vacant at the close of this meeting. Notice is given tonight that the board will appoint a new member at the November 9, 2021, meeting. This term will run through March 2023.

Item 9. This is an action item, PTS 682832, La Jolla Village Square Sign NUP. The UCPG will be asked for a recommendation for a Neighborhood Use Permit for a master sign program for the La Jolla Village Square shopping center located at 8657 Villa La Jolla Drive. Process 2. Kathy Corvin, from Jones Sign, will present. Please note that presentation has been split into two parts to make it easier to access.

The presentation is a set of plans from the applicant for the proposed sign program. Page 2 of the presentation is a plan of the shopping center, with circles representing each proposed sign. Pages 3, 4, and 5 are a description of each sign and shows if approval is required by the city and the reason if so. Each sign is indicated by a letter-number pair. Pages 6 through 32 contain drawings for each sign. The UCPG should be primarily concerned with those signs requiring approval by the city as these are deemed to be discretionary and require a recommendation.

Item 10. Neighbors for a Better San Diego is asking for a letter of support for a set of proposals to reduce the impacts of ADUs on neighborhoods. Various members of NBSD will present. Their recent presentation to CPC (September 28) is attached for your reference at 2021_09_NBSD_CPC

PDF Agenda: 2021_10_12_Agenda_UC

To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88045488216?pwd=MHVrZVN5RjZubG85cHBsQUN1OUdRdz09

  • Meeting ID: 880 4548 8216
  • Passcode: 076203

To dial in from your phone: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcy7UJhlN7 and follow the directions given.


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