From City Planner Katie Witherspoon: You are invited to join the City of San Diego Planning Department for a live webinar of the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee on Tuesday, September 21st from 6:30 to 8:30pm. We will be sharing a preview of the online engagement platform (community plan update survey) and land use concepts within each focus area.
Agenda items include:
- NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT: Two minutes per speaker
- 6:50 Review of Focus Area Options and Process – Katie Witherspoon, UCPU Project Manager, City of San Diego. City staff will provide an overview of the land use options for each focus area and the vision and process to develop each scenario.
- 7:30 Review of Online Engagement Platform (Community Plan Update Survey) – Katie Witherspoon (City of San Diego), Rick Barrett (MIG Inc.), Steven Davidovas (MIG Inc.), Ryan Mottau (MIG Inc.) & Diego Velasco (Citythinkers). The project team will review and discuss the online engagement platform, which will be launched in October.
To view the agenda or register, click the links below or visit www.PlanUniversity.org/meetings.
- Click Here to Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rfuCqqjwiE9SIZd5p9JC5ZyINbMwdzIW3
- Click Here for the Agenda: https://c22c3372-9bd2-45bb-8856-115073bfea0c.filesusr.com/ugd/bf5c85_f6719b1632c64e778b94c6de37f7be54.pdf
- Click Here for Meeting Materials: https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings
- Click Here for CPU Focus Areas PDF: https://c22c3372-9bd2-45bb-8856-115073bfea0c.filesusr.com/ugd/bf5c85_239978cba9984d0b9827cb5d15555a4b.pdf
For more information, visit our website or contact Katie Witherspoon, AICP at KatieW@SanDiego.gov
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpu/
The reality is that growth and development in University City have never stopped. Changes are taking place today and will continue into the future. Development, construction, and plans are ongoing. You can be part of the new development and growth in University City by attending the Planning Group and Community Plan Update meetings. Information at:
- UCPG – Planning Group: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- CPUS – Community Plan Update Subcommittee: https://www.planuniversity.org/