Evacuation Planning starts at Home; Plan and Practice your personal Fire Drill today


Courtesy of the American Red Cross: Having smoke alarms that work is very important, but that’s not the only thing that will keep you and your family safe in a home fire. You also need a plan to get out fast. Today is the day to get the family together to make a plan and practice your Family Fire Drill. Remember the acronym E.D.I.T.H. – Exit Drills in the Home.

  • Walk through your home. Look for two ways out of every room. One way will be out the door. The other way could be a window. Talk to your family about all the exits in your rooms and how to get out safely.
  • Pick a family meeting place outside. This is where everyone will go if the smoke alarm sounds. When you practice the drill with your family, have everyone start in their bedrooms. Then have a parent push the smoke alarm button so it makes a noise.
  • Everyone should practice going from the room to the outside family meeting place using some of the exits that you found. Make sure to close the doors behind you as you leave.
  • Pretend to call the fire department from outside so you know how to reach them if a real fire happens.
  • In a real fire, if you see smoke on your way out, turn around and go the other way. Stay away from the dangerous smoke.
  • Never go back inside a burning building. Once out, stay out. The firefighters will rescue anyone who needs help, even your pets.

Note to parents: Talk to your kids about meeting place outside your home. It should be a safe distance away from your home, like across the street at the neighbor’s house. Make sure everyone in your family knows where to meet.

For more information about the University City Fire Safe Council and Evacuation Planning, refer to the Community Wildfire Protection Plan available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/


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