The September 2021 print University City News newsletter is available for download as a PDF at at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/. Print copies are available for pickup at the Recreation Center, the U City Coin Wash Laundromat, and the Community Library on Governor Drive on Tuesday afternoon, August 31. This month’s cover stories feature the Summer Concerts at Standley Park; this month’s back cover advertisers are Torrey Holistics and California Coast Credit Union. Thank you to all our community volunteers, contributors, and advertisers who help to make our hyper-local University City News print newsletter possible.

September 2021
From UCCA President Barry Bernstein: September is here. Our schools are back in session with appropriate health/safety protocols being observed. The COVID variants continue to make our lives complicated and frustrating. Our next UCCA meeting (Sept. 8th) will only be on ZOOM so please check for our link in this newsletter, at the bottom of this article, or find the link in our UCCA member’s pre-meeting E-Blast.
I want to recommend that you take a moment to read Councilman LaCava’s column (in the September print newsletter) as it will provide further information related to the highly controversial Governor Drive traffic “calming”/ lane reduction proposal. More information on proposed sewer pipeline replacement on Governor Drive has made this issue that much more complicated. (This is separate from the plans for the Pure Water raw sewage pipeline project that will intersect Governor Drive.)
And let’s not forget the demolition of Costa Verde starting this Fall. OMG, how will we navigate through all of these street/pipeline repair/construction projects these next few years??? Maybe arrange for some helicopters from MCAS, Miramar to ferry us from one area to another? Seriously, there is a justified concern not only for general public travel, but perhaps more importantly, related to emergency vehicles providing services in a timely manner.
We had a great, although shortened, Sunday Summer Concert series this August at Standley Park, and a very nice Banana Split Ice Cream event as well. Thank you to the Heimburger Family for your ice cream donation and to all the volunteers who helped to “scoop”. See photos in the print newsletter. Thanks to the Standley Park Recreation Councils and the Park and Rec employees for making these events happen.
Special congratulations to the U.C. Fire/Safe Council, and particularly President Diane Ahern for receiving the final approval of the required University City Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). For more information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/
. Mark Powell, former County Bd. Of Education member, was recently elected to the prestigious position as president of “Parents for Quality Education”.
Welcome to Michael Paredes, new U.C. High principal; a detailed report is in the print newsletter. Mr. Paredes was vice-principal at U.C. High a few years back and is very excited to return to University City High School.
A special High Holy Days wish to our Jewish families who will be celebrating year 5782 starting at sunset on Sept. 6 and ending with Yom Kippur eve on the 16th. The 16th of September is also the official day of Independence in Mexico.
We are all looking forward to EdUCate’s hosting of the wonderful community Oktoberfest at Standley Park on Saturday, October 9th.
I wish I could say with assurance that October will also provide Padre fans like myself with “playoff” games. But the way they are currently playing has only increased my doubts.
UCCA has their election of officers coming up in November. If you are a member and have attended at least two meetings this year, you are eligible to run, and or nominate someone for the position of President, Vice-president, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
See special election information in the print newsletter. As mentioned above in the first paragraph, our Sept. 8th meeting will be ZOOM only. We’ve canceled our library room reservation in an abundance of caution related to the Delta COVID variant emergence in Southern California. Stay well, stay safe ! Remember, University City “is more than just a neighborhood”.
The next UCCA meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, September 8, starting at 6 PM. All are welcome. To participate, join at us02web.zoom.us/j/86411141984
- You may also go to zoom.us, and join meeting ID: 864 1114 1984
- And you can also call in at: 408.638.0968, 86411141984#