From Karl Cranford, JK Computer Services (karl@jkcomputerservices.com): As a long time University City resident, it is always fun to fly the drone with a mission. Seeing what is behind the Blue Wall (blue fence) is fun, and I hope that community residents enjoy it as well.
The latest installment in the Behind the Blue Wall series is available on YouTube. To view Karl Cranford’s latest video, click on the YouTube link below or visit his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ZZLduPi7LvaAK46nLQ2pg
Planned joint-use improvements for Standley Middle School include a new joint-use pool aquatic center, outdoor pavilion, and running/walking path. Spreckels Elementary will experience a whole site modernization. For more information about the SDUSD project locally know as Imagine UC 2020, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/imagine-uc-2020-sdusd-school-facilities-project/