From June Belker Kubli and Coldwell Banker UC: It is once again time to purchase backpacks, school supplies, packaged socks and other items that children less fortunate can use to begin their school year. In conjunction with the Office of Children and Youth in Transition, San Diego University School District (SDUSD), the UC Agents of Coldwell Banker Realty will collect what you have to offer at Standley Park, 3585 Governor Drive, on Sunday, Aug 15th between 3 and 6 PM.
Look for the truck parked by Swanson Pool at Standley Park to drop off your contributions. Last year, thanks to the overwhelming support of you and in spite of COVID, we filled the truck to overflowing. This abundance provided school supplies for many of the 5000+ students covered by the Children and Youth in Transition program.
Being ever optimistic, this year we hope to fill two trucks! If for some reason you cannot join us on that Sunday, we would be happy to pick up your contribution. Just call or email your Coldwell Banker UC Agent or call our 3959 Governor Drive office at 858- 352-6587. We look forward to seeing you on the 15th to thank you, in person, for your support of this important project.