Housing Bills and ADUs and Redistricting and Traffic Calming on the UCPG Planning Group Agenda for August 10, 2021, Zoom meeting


The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 6 PM, using Zoom video conferencing technology. The link for joining the meeting is included below and is on page 3 of the Agenda as are instructions for joining the meeting using a phone. The August 10 agenda can be viewed and downloaded as a PDF at 2021_08_10_Agenda_UC and will be posted (when available) on the City’s website at  https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas

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From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: Here is a brief description of the items on the agenda.  Additional information Is given under “FURTHER NOTES” at the end.

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  • Minutes: The draft July minutes are available at 2021_07_13_UCPG_Minutes_DRAFT.  I made one change to the Salk Institute project discussion, indicating what I added (an “If” prior to a sentence connecting this sentence to the next), shown in red. Many thanks to Nancy Groves who generously volunteered to take minutes for the prior two meetings, substituting for Kristie Miller with a wrist fracture.  Outstanding job!
  • Item 7:  Spectrum Bridge project. This project is part of the One Alexandria Square development, and will connect two groups of buildings on their campus that are separated by a canyon.  This item is an action item that asks for a project recommendation.  The presentation is available at 210811 UCPG OAS Bridge R2 Alexandria
  • Item 8:  Smart Signals on Genesee Ave. This information item is presented by Alexandria and describes a smart signalization project for Genesee Ave.  A similar project by UC San Diego for La Jolla Village Drive and Regents Road is scheduled to begin shortly.  Presentation will be posted when it is available.
  • Item 9:  Submitting projects to the County (Capital Improvement Project) CIP list. We submitted our City CIP list to the County for review.  County CIP list projects are due on August 13th.  We will be able to amend or add items to our 2021 City list and submit it to the County.  Amanda Berry from Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer’s office will be attending the meeting.
  • Item 10:  Housing Bills active in the California Legislature. Christopher Vallejo from Sen. Atkins office will present an information item on housing bills active in the legislature.  This should be of interest as we have had many recent questions about housing policy and ADUs.
  • Item 11:  Council Redistricting. Redrawing the council boundaries is currently underway, and the UCPG had a presentation by the Redistricting Commission at the last UCPG meeting.  This is an action item to decide if the UCPG wants to take a position on redistricting and possibly form a subcommittee to follow this process through to completion.
  • Item 12:  Eventual In-Person Meetings. This will be a brief item to gauge the feeling of UCPG board members and public on in-person meetings.  At present, the ability to hold virtual meetings by zoom and still satisfy the Brown Act will end on September 30th.  This policy is under control of the Governor’s office and state legislature, rather than the city or county.  There are bills in the legislature to extend the ability to hold virtual meetings.


  • Governor Drive Traffic Calming: I will give a report to the UCPG board on the Governor Drive Traffic Calming Subcommittee during my Chair’s report.  It is likely that the next meeting of this Subcommittee will be after additional information from the Traffic Dept. is available.
  • Council Redistricting Information Basics: Refer to presentation Redistricting Commission Basics Presentation
  • Council Redistricting D1 Meeting on August 11: Information concerning redistricting can be found here (Courtesy of Joe LaCava’s newsletter): “The City of San Diego Redistricting Commission invites you to a District 1 Community Input Meeting on August 11 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. to inform residents on the redistricting process as well as open the discussion up to any questions, comments, or concerns.“ August 11 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.; join by Zoom at https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1606056835
    Participate by phone at 669-254-5252 (Webinar ID: 1606056835). Residents may also submit a community of interest feedback and preliminary map at https://bit.ly/Communitymapping.

Zoom Instructions for August 10, 2021 UCPG Meeting are included on page 3 of the 2021_08_10_Agenda_UC and are available here: 

To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85105506467?pwd=UzFEUTdQbW9mRUFGUDBnUDJWS0o0Zz09
Meeting ID: 851 0550 6467
Passcode: 275712
Dial in from your phone; find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcLqE0OdbE

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