Thursday July 15: UCPG Traffic Calming on Governor Drive in front of Standley Park from Stadium to Radcliffe Subcommittee Meeting


Update: The rescheduled Governor Drive Traffic Calming meeting (newly expanded from Stresemann to Radcliffe) is Monday, July 26, at 6 PM. This is a public meeting of the UCPG (planning group) subcommittee. Details at:

From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen: Attached is the agenda for a UCPG subcommittee meeting on the traffic calming proposal for Governor Drive eastbound from Stadium to Radcliffe approved by the UCPG at its June meeting to be held Thursday July 15 at 6:00 PM.  I anticipate about an hour for this meeting. The proposal will be discussed in detail and any further recommendations will be voted on by the UCPG at its August meeting and forwarded to our City Council office. The meeting is open to the public.

Agenda and meeting information: 2021_07_15_Agenda_UC_Gov_Calming_Subcom

For more information, refer to page 9 in the June 2021 print University City News or see attached image (click to enlarge). Rendering is view from west to east; Standley Park is depicted on the right side of the image. Text of June 2021 University City News article is below.

To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link:

Meeting ID: 813 3987 4840
Passcode: 650932

To dial in from your phone: Find your local number:
and follow the directions given.

Text of Traffic Calming on Governor Drive article by John Lee Evans as published on page 9 in the June 2021 print University City News:

June 2021: Traffic calming on Governor Drive: Imagine UC 2020 Plus by John Lee Evans 

Now that the Imagine UC 2020 project at Standley Park is nearing its completion in this fall the next logical step is to consider traffic calming measures on Governor Drive. We will see increased use of this public space with the new facilities between the two schools. It needs to be safe for cars, cyclists and pedestrians.

We will have a new aquatic center as the centerpiece of this public space. There will be a jogging path around most of the perimeter of the park, as well as a permanent stage/pavilion for school and community events. There will also be a new green field at Spreckels to add to the park. All of this is due to a joint use agreement between the school district and the city.

The Community Plan Update Sub-committee of the UCPG is working on long term plans for our community. Public comments about mobility in this specific area have already been made by residents. Through the years ideas for the park have ranged from new colorful walkways and bike lanes to landscaped medians and even roundabouts. Of course, funding for such projects is a big issue.

In the meantime we can take a fairly simple step, which is not a major capital improvement. This step would involve narrowing the traffic on Governor Drive to one lane in each direction just for the few blocks between Spreckels and Standley Middle School, which is Stadium Street to Radcliffe Street.

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A narrower street automatically makes drivers slow down. It would allow for a clearly separated bike lane (above) and would maintain the current street parking. This is essentially a “restriping” of those few blocks. Ideally we should implement the traffic calming at the same time that the park projects are completed.

It will make the entire area safer for school children and for park users who play baseball and soccer and run and swim and ride bikes. We began working on Imagine UC 2020 with community meetings in 2014. Traffic calming, UC 2020 Plus, will require the support of our community and our Councilmember Joe LaCava. So far the feedback has been very positive. Stay tuned.



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