Information from the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department: Starting in the next 4 to 6 weeks, the Fire-Rescue Department’s Fire Prevention Bureau staff will begin conducting door to door brush inspections of canyon rim homes or homes [in the University City area] that are adjacent to native vegetation within the community. [University City area residents and property owners with affected properties will receive information by US Mail.]
The purpose of these inspections is to ensure that properties are in compliance with the City’s brush management regulations. All habitable structures that abut the canyon will be inspected for brush management. The property owner or property management will be notified. Property owners are required by California Fire Code and the City of San Diego Municipal Code to keep their property free of any potential fire hazard at all times.
- For more information, refer to the PDF: Brush Flyer.
- For more information about Brush Management Services:
- Enforcement of brush management is based upon:
For more information about Fire Prevention and Fire Preparation for all, visit
For more information about the University City Fire Safe Council, visit
To view the current Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones
map on the SD Fire-Rescue Department website, visit