From SDFD and the Burn Institute: The annual “Fill the Boot” Firefighter Boot Drive is Thursday, June 17, 2021. Help our firefighters raise money to support the Burn Institute and their burn survivor services including Camp Beyond the Scars.
Every year young burn survivors go to camp to experience traditional summer activities and meet fellow burn survivors. Camp volunteers are often off duty firefighters and adult burn survivors who understand the unique challenges these young survivors face. Camp Beyond the Scars is a week-long healing experience, which offers tools to help the kids transform and continue to heal.
You can donate online today to help our firefighters Fill the Boot at or look for us on Thursday between 6:30 and 9:30 a.m. at various San Diego intersections. We look forward to seeing you!
- For more information about the Burn Institute, visit
- For more information about the University City Fire Safe Council, visit