2022 Update: Action for Happiness has updated its website and program offerings. For the most-up-to-date information and calendar, please visit https://actionforhappiness.org/
Courtesy of Action for Happiness: This month’s theme is all about finding the joy in life, even when things are difficult. Research has shown that experiencing positive emotions in a 3-to-1 ratio with negative ones leads to a tipping point beyond which we naturally become more resilient to adversity. So let’s train our brains to find the joy. You can learn more about the science behind this at our events this month too. Details at https://www.actionforhappiness.org/joyful-june
Action Calendar – Joyful June 2021
- Joyful June 1 Tuesday: Decide to look for what’s good every day this month
- Joyful June 2 Wednesday: Say positive things in your conversations with others
- Joyful June 3 Thursday: Re-frame a worry and try to find a helpful way to think about it
- Joyful June 4 Friday: Take a photo of something that brings you joy and share it
- Joyful June 5 Saturday: Think of 3 things you’re grateful for and write them down
- Joyful June 6 Sunday: Get out into green space and feel the joy that nature brings
- Joyful June 7 Monday: Do something healthy which makes you feel good
- Joyful June 8 Tuesday: Find joy in music, sing, play, dance, listen or share
- Joyful June 9 Wednesday: Ask a friend what made them happy recently
- Joyful June 10 Thursday: Bring joy to others by doing something kind for them
- Joyful June 11 Friday: Eat good food that makes you happy and really savor it
- Joyful June 12 Saturday: Write a gratitude letter to thank someone
- Joyful June 13 Sunday: Take a light-hearted approach. Choose to see the funny side
- Joyful June 14 Monday: Share a happy memory with someone who means a lot to you
- Joyful June 15 Tuesday: Look for something to be thankful for where you least expect it
- Joyful June 16 Wednesday: Speak to others in a warm and friendly way
- Joyful June 17 Thursday: Take time to notice things that you find beautiful
- Joyful June 18 Friday: Look for something good in a difficult situation
- Joyful June 19 Saturday: Get outside and find the joy in being active
- Joyful June 20 Sunday: Rediscover and enjoy a fun childhood activity
- Joyful June 21 Monday: Send a positive note to a friend who needs encouragement
- Joyful June 22 Tuesday: Watch something funny and enjoy how it feels to laugh
- Joyful June 23 Wednesday: Create a playlist of uplifting songs to listen to
- Joyful June 24 Thursday: Bring to mind a favorite memory you feel grateful for
- Joyful June 25 Friday: Show your appreciation to people who are helping others
- Joyful June 26 Saturday: Make time to do something playful: just for the fun of it
- Joyful June 27 Sunday: Be kind to you. Do something that brings you joy
- Joyful June 28 Monday: Notice how positive emotions are contagious between people
- Joyful June 29 Tuesday: Share a friendly smile with people you see today
- Joyful June 30 Wednesday: Make a list of the joys in your life (and keep adding to it)
Contributed by Diane Ahern. She had been contemplating her New Year’s Resolutions and was searching for a monthly Kindness Calendar. She stumbled upon a series of monthly calendars from Action for Happiness, a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. Diane is providing this calendar as information to those in our University City community who may want to spread more happiness. UCCA neither supports nor endorses the Action for Happiness organization or movement … but likes the idea of spreading happiness and kindness throughout University City. For more information about UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-about-us/
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/community-health/