CANCELLED UCPG Planning Group meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2021


From Planning Group chair Chris Nielsen: The UCPG meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 2021, has been CANCELLED due to a lack of Action Items and Information Items. Originally scheduled for May were the Campus Pointe 2 (City DSD Transportation review is pending, holding up environmental review) and ADA and Utility renovations for Torrey Pines (City department is not ready). Both are tentatively rescheduled for June.

The project replacing of one house with four on Robbins Way in south UC has just received its first assessment letter with multiple issues still remaining. It is not clear when this will come up at the UCPG. I’ll keep you up to date as new developments occur.

The Towne Centre View project will likely have a site walk through sometime during May. This will be a noticed subcommittee meeting. The Plan Update Subcommittee meeting WILL be held as usual on May 18 at 5:30 PM. Topics will be Housing plus Historic Preservation.

UCPG Planning Group were scheduled to have Supervisor Tarra Lawson-Remer start the meeting in May. I have asked her office to reschedule. The UCPG will be back on June 8.

For more information, visit

Please note: UCCA Community Association will meet on Wednesday, May 12. Topics include an update on the Mid-Coast Trolley construction. Information and the tentative agenda is posted at


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