May 2021 University City News is now online; read and download the PDF; home delivery begins this weekend


Home delivery of the May 2021 print University City News will begin the first weekend of May. Print copies will be available at the Recreation Center, the U City Coin Wash Laundromat, and the Community Library on Governor Drive on Saturday, May 1. Thanks to all our community contributors and to our advertisers and to our delivery volunteers … you are the neighbors and friends who make the print newsletter possible. Let’s support our local businesses. UCCA urges all members to refer to the advertising section our of print newsletter for current promotions from our local advertisers. The print newsletter is available as a PDF at

May 2021 University City News

A message from UCCA President Barry Bernstein: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY…May brings us flowers and continued hope, (and measured progress), as the anticipated victory to overcome the more than a year-long battle with COVID becomes more than a mere wish. Governor Newsom’s forward-looking statement of optimism, (a June 15 “opening to normalcy”), should provide us the confidence needed as more and more of us are fully vaccinated and “herd-immunity” is closer to being achieved.

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Locally…our kids are back in school for the most part…with proper safety issues and concerns having been addressed. My understanding is that this coming summer there will be modified summer school for those eligible/qualified. Full-time, 5 days per week school is planned for this Fall. Read Board of Education member Sabrina Bazzo’s column in the print newsletter for more information.

The prospect of the 4th of July UC Celebration at Standley Park is still uncertain…but it may be possible for the summer concerts to be held. So much depends on what the County Board of Health will allow and when the City Park and Rec. will “permit” (with restrictions), large outdoor events.

Congratulations to John Walsh, long-time University City resident on receiving a proclamation from the City Council announcing April 6, 2021 as John Walsh Day. John was a key person in leading the development of Standley Park and U.C. High School in the 1970’s.

Welcome to Mr. Armando Lopez, the new principal at Doyle Elementary. Ms. Kimberly Moore, who had been serving as Doyle’s principal for more than 10 years, is taking on new responsibilities at the Education Center. Congratulations to them both.

Special congratulations to UC resident and UCSD music dept. professor, Dr. Anthony Davis who was the recipient of a most prestigious international award. Our thanks to UCPG chair, Chris Nielsen, and vice-chair, Roger Cavanaugh, who were re-elected to continue in their current leadership roles. Andy Wiese was re-elected to continue his chair position on the University City Plan Update committee. Be on the lookout for a new community plan survey this month.

Padre fans have something to smile about…as Joe Musgrove, a Grossmont High graduate, threw the very first Padre No-hitter. The Padres are off to a good start…but as you know the major league baseball season is long and a lot can happen between now and the end of September.

At Standley Park improvements are on-going and playing fields are hard to find, but UC Little League and UC del Sol softball are doing just fine. Curie Elementary’s joint- use grass field/track is just about finished. Take a look at the photos in the print newsletter.

Thanks to State Assembly Chris Ward for participating in our April UCCA meeting. We appreciate all of his efforts to represent us. A special welcome to County Supervisor Lawson-Remer and her new column in our newsletter. We look forward to Supervisor Lawson-Remer attending one of our UCCA meetings this Fall.

For those interested in the current status of the Pure Water raw sewage pipeline construction plans in our community be sure to join the UCCA June 9 meeting. Pure Water Assistant Director, John Stufflebean, will be our speaker.

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But for now, please plan to join us at our May 12 UCCA ZOOM meeting…you can find the link on our calendar page. And so important…JOIN UCCA. Your membership, support and interest in University City is what makes our community more “than just a neighborhood”. Stay safe, stay well. ~Barry.

Please join us at the next UCCA MEETING: Wednesday, May 12, 6:00 PM. Zoom:, enter Meeting ID 819 4409 7621

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Did you know that UCCA has been publishing a print newsletter since 2002? Take a walk down Memory Lane and check out the newsletter archives page at


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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️