Information courtesy of Chris Nielsen, UCPG (Planning Group) Chair: The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 6 PM, using Zoom video conferencing technology. This month we welcome new UCPG board member Georgia Kayser. She may make a few remarks to introduce herself to the UCPG. April is also the month for the election of officers for the UCPG (agenda item 5). I hope to see you all at the meeting.
The agenda and information about the planning group is available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas. The UCPG agenda for Tuesday April 13, 2021 is available as a PDF at https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/2021_04_13_agenda_uc.pdf. The link for joining the meeting is included below and is on page 3 of the Agenda as are instructions for using a phone.
April agenda highlights include the following:
- Item 9 (approximately 7 PM): Diane Ahern will introduce the UC Fire Safe Council and describe the Community Wildfire Protection Plan currently available for public comment.
- The First Draft of the CWPP is available at FIRST DRAFT – CWPP – University City Fire Safe Council – April 1 2021
- FSC presentation is available at FSC Community Presentation CWPP first draft – comment period
- Comment form available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-public-comment/
- Item 10 (approximately 7:20 PM): Andy Wiese, current Plan Update Subcommittee Chair, has termed out from the UCPG board. He is willing to continue as subcommittee chair while the CPUS completes the new plan. The UCPG will be asked to support a resolution to reappoint Andy as CPUS Chair. The Subcommittee would be expected to pass a similar resolution.
- Item 11 (approximately 7:35 PM): The UCPG passed a community plan amendment initiation for the Towne Centre View project last year. The UCPG also voted to create a subcommittee for this project that has met several times since then. BioMed Reality will present a preliminary project progress report.
- Item 12 (approximately 8:05 PM): BioMed just posted a Notice of Preparation (NOP) requesting comment on the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Report, expected to be released in late May or early June (most optimistic schedule). It is a formal summary of the project and notice of the preparation for the DEIR but otherwise not particularly informative. The UCPG may vote to submit a letter to the City with comments we want addressed by the project’s Draft EIR. Comments are due by May 5.
- Item 13 (approximately 8:25 PM): The UCPG passed a community plan amendment initiation for this Hotel and Apartment project back in 2019. The applicant will present an information item for this project which is located on on a parcel on La Jolla Village Drive next to I-805 and previously owned by Caltrans.
The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 6 PM, using Zoom video conferencing technology. The official agenda is now available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas.
To join the meeting, copy-and-paste this URL into your browser or follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82916507396?pwd=STNybzdsUDhJWlZpdFdhR1J4OC8yQT09
Meeting ID: 829 1650 7396
Passcode: 006430
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/