Gardening and Landscaping to Protect Your Home


From the Burn Institute: Ready to plant your garden or start outdoor landscaping this spring? Check out the information and tips on how to prepare and landscape to better protect your home in the Burn Institute’s Living with Wildfire: A Guide for the Homeowner:

  • The area nearest your home should contain low-growing plants. Ideally there should be no tall-growing plants close to your home.
  • Walk the perimeter of your home and prune plants that are under windows or eaves.
  • Maintain the correct irrigation schedule year-round for the good health of your plants.
  • Remove a plant immediately if it dies. A dead plant is fuel.
  • Remove dead foliage and twigs from trees and shrubs.
  • Contact your local fire department, nursery, university extension office, or landscape architect for recommendations on fire-resistive planting options for your particular area.

Refer to the Burn Institute’s Wildfire Guide for more information on how to prepare at

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