Planning Group UCPG releases March 9 Agenda and Election Notice


UPDATE 3/8/2021: The representative for Agenda Item 7, PTS 673345, 6705 Robbins Way, has withdrawn this item for the meeting. It will be rescheduled at a later date once DSD reviews have been completed.*

From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen: The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 6 PM, using Zoom video conferencing technology. The Election Notice and agenda is now available at  

UCPG Elections: Please read the Election Notice starting on page 4 of the agenda for details on how to vote at

Here is a short description of the items we’ll be considering this month: 

* Withdrawn – Item 7: PTS 0673345, 6705 Robbins Way, SDP/Tentative Map, Daniel Winick presenting. Split of a 1.62 acre parcel into 4 lots, demo existing home, and construct one new home per lot. There is an issue with the noticing on this project; the notice of application was issued March 4. This does

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not give time for property owners near the project to prepare their comments for the UCPG. I will be asking the applicant to convert this to an information item or defer to the April meeting.

Item 8: Action Item: La Jolla Innovation Center. Development of a 7-story office/education building on behalf of UC San Diego, which would purchase and lease back a 0.9 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of La Jolla Village Drive and Villa La Jolla. A UCPG subcommittee report with project and draft EIR comment recommendations will be presented for action. The UCPG subcommittee for the La Jolla Innovation Center has met four times and has a project recommendation for the UCPG, together with a set of comments on the Draft EIR. Presentation at: 2021_03_05_UCPG_LJIC_Subcom_for_UCPG

Item 9: Information Item: PTS 660043, “One Alexandria Square”, 3010 Science Park Rd. and 3033 Callan Rd., SDP, CDP, NDP, Process 4, Hannah Wong, Rick Engineering presenting. Demo existing building, construct 7 buildings, and remodel 2 buildings for R&D with supporting uses including retail, food, and beverage, and construct parking structures. The site is 22.3 acres in the IP-1-1 zone. Presentation at: 2021-03-09_OAS-UCPG

To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link:

  • Meeting ID: 881 7029 1599
  • Passcode: 783403
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The formal/complete agenda with Zoom instructions and and Election Notice is available on the City’s Planning Group website at

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